Denmark Bush

thankfully he chortles
“I’m not a lawyer”
his voice turned to spoiled whine
“I don’t like it when my friends get criticized
I don’t like it at all”
dignified senate vote up or down?
Live Aid was 20 years ago
Big 8 now
thats long enough
the opposite of love thy neighbor
is Usury
the message from Mohammed
how does one dig dignity our of corrupt politicians?
Mr. Smith goes to Washington that’s how!

George W. Bush AWOL from poetry

He gave to us no inaugural poem George W
nor a poet to bedeck the whitehouse steps
no Frost or Angelou or Eliseuson
He gave to us pretended patriots
dupe most of the people all of the time
founding fathers were mortal men and proved it
when they amended their own constitution
amendments allowing their enlightenment
was of their times and allowed
progressive enlightenment possible
foundations of Freedom
what presidential papers were sealed by George W. Bush?
Clinton gives himself a free pass declaring he had no papers
needing sealing.
Under the new order, papers from a former administration
can remain sealed even if the former president does not
think they are privileged, if the sitting president thinks
they are privileged. Alberto Gonzales said,
“It will not be driven by politics or what looks good.
It will be driven by what is allowed under the Constitution.”
“Which sounds fine in theory, but
once the order is in effect,
how would anyone know
what was driving a particular decision?
He asks us to trust him
to be responsible, honest and impartial.

“As long as Gods are males
males will be Gods.”
– C-SPAN caller 4 July 2004

Of Course We Need Another Sandra Day O’Connor

these are those exceptional times
the swing vote of the court
proved the balance of the Supremes
was not democratic or republican
especially by two important decisions
when the Supremes decided in favor
of most republicans
in the 2000 election
and when the Supremes decided in favor
of most democrats
in the Terri Schiavo case
60% is mandatory
if we would remain a country of law
we the people do not want governed
by nuclear options
Mr. Smith please stand up
as long as it takes.

playing our strings with a broken chord

values only line in sand
blurs between betrayals of
wanting proven righteous
an inverted pyramid of lies
taking two to cover one
Dan Rather sacrificed
to Golden Calf of Annihilation
breaking journalists’ pens
neocons plugging leaks
Supreme Court Beings
taking away property rights
and whistleblower protections
securing Secret Government

son of a gun but no daughter

(“support our troops” made in China bumper sticker)

Natalee Holloway
Jennifer Wilbanks
gilded geldings going gong
murder with no body
yet thanks and praises but
go ahead and search but
nobody admit to anybody
wanting to escape
cash cows
allowing the variance between
bugged out eyes and not bugged
possible differences are
planned and unplanned
heartfelt hopes
can only wish the later.

Robert Zoellick Darfur calling

one full year still you bicker
“is it a “crime against humanity” or genocide”?
talk talk holocaust
either compels action
stop the raping killing dying
how many full moons passing blood filled
killing fields are happening happening
washing hands in toilet bowls
let Africans solve Africa
knowing they have not
the wherewithal without help
a mobile quagmire Empire building
Robert Zoellick believes
white boots on the ground would smell like colonizing
while these self same boots in Iraq does not?
how many more blood full moons will pass before
those who claim to be compassionate become so?
how many eureka moments does it take
to transform US foreign policy??

fix intelligence

like a dress to short or too long
like a suit with a tie lacking soul
mark hem with yellow cakes
fill the legs with aluminum tubes
45 minutes to mushroom cloud
a Bolton revenge on Wilson
fixed for shock and awe

are they on their knees yet?

Solstice Wheel of Fortune

Kenneth Timmerman releases book
“Countdown to Crisis :
The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran”
claiming Osama sighting in Iran make
to sound authentic put an I.V. in his hand

Fox News asks invited guest
where is Osama to illicit the answer
Osama is not in Afghanistan
he might be in Syria or

Whitelie whitewash whitehouse
“…know exactly where Osama bin Laden is
but can’t tell – can’t just go in and get him
due to countries sovereignty.”
Peter Goss marries Yellow Cake Bolton

Spinning wheels spinning newspeak
where will the stopped needle point?
Syria? Iran? Both?

Only clue available to this Moonbat:
is Iran holding an election – a run off
with clamoring claims of fraud.

Stay tuned to your Fair and Balanced
Corporate Fox News Media
for the next newspeak pronouncement.

or CNN Quick Vote, today’s poll question:
“If U.S. intelligence officials have an ‘excellent idea’
where Osama bin Laden is,
should they go get him?

Eisenhower on Social Security

“Should any political party attempt to abolish
social security, unemployment insurance, and
eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would
not hear of that party again in our political
history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course,
that believes you can do these things. Among them
are…Texas oil millionaires and an occasional
politician or business man from other areas. Their
number is negligible and they are stupid.”

— President Dwight D. Eisenhower, November 8, 1954