Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

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The Observer London
by Greg Palast
Monday, February 7, 2011

You’re not going to like this. You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead. But in this case, someone’s got to.

On the 100th Anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, as we suffer a week of Reagan-kitcheria and pukey peons, let us remember:

Reagan was a con-man. Reagan was a coward. Reagan was a killer.

In 1987, I found myself stuck in a crappy little town in Nicaragua named Chaguitillo. The people were kind enough, though hungry, except for one surly young man. His wife had just died of tuberculosis.

People don’t die of TB if they get some antibiotics. But Ronald Reagan, big-hearted guy that he was, had put a lock-down embargo on medicine to Nicaragua because he didn’t like the government that the people there had elected.

Ronnie grinned and cracked jokes while the young woman’s lungs filled up and she stopped breathing. Reagan flashed that B-movie grin while they buried the mother of three.

And when Hezbollah terrorists struck and murdered hundreds of American marines in their sleep in Lebanon, the TV warrior ran away like a whipped dog – then turned around and invaded Grenada. That little Club Med war was a murderous PR stunt so Ronnie could hold parades for gunning down Cubans building an airport.

I remember Nancy, a skull and crossbones prancing around in designer dresses, some of the “gifts” that flowed to the Reagans – from hats to million-dollar homes – from cronies well compensated with government loot. It used to be called bribery.

And all the while, Grandpa grinned, the grandfather who bleated on about “family values” but didn’t bother to see his own grandchildren.

The New York Times, in its canned obit, wrote that Reagan projected, “faith in small town America” and “old-time values.”

“Values” my ass. It was union-busting and a declaration of war on the poor and anyone who couldn’t buy designer dresses. It was the New Meanness, bringing starvation back to America so that every millionaire could get another million.

“Small town” values? From the movie star of the Pacific Palisades, the Malibu mogul? I want to throw up.

And all the while, in the White House basement, as his brain boiled away, Reagan’s last conscious act was to condone a coup d’état against our elected Congress. Reagan’s Defense Secretary Casper the Ghost Weinberger with the crazed Colonel, Ollie North, plotted to give guns to the Monster of the Mideast, Ayatolla Khomeini.

Reagan’s boys called Jimmy Carter a weanie and a wuss although Carter wouldn’t give an inch to the Ayatollah. Reagan, with that film-fantasy tough-guy con in front of cameras, went begging like a coward cockroach to Khomeini, pleading on bended knee for the release of our hostages.

Ollie North flew into Iran with a birthday cake for the maniac mullah – no kidding – in the shape of a key. The key to Ronnie’s heart.

Then the Reagan roaches mixed their cowardice with crime: taking cash from the hostage-takers to buy guns for the “contras” – the drug-runners of Nicaragua posing as freedom fighters.

I remember as a student in Berkeley the words screeching out of the bullhorn, “The Governor of the State of California, Ronald Reagan, hereby orders this demonstration to disperse” – and then came the teargas and the truncheons. And all the while, that fang-hiding grin from the Gipper.

In Chaguitillo, all night long, the farmers stayed awake to guard their kids from attack from Reagan’s Contra terrorists. The farmers weren’t even Sandinistas, those ‘Commies’ that our cracked-brained President told us were ‘only a 48-hour drive from Texas.’ What the hell would they want with Texas, anyway?

Nevertheless, the farmers, and their families, were Ronnie’s targets.

In the deserted darkness of Chaguitillo, a TV blared. Weirdly, it was that third-rate gangster movie, “Brother Rat.” Starring Ronald Reagan.

Well, mis amigos, your kids can sleep easy tonight. The Rat is dead.

All week you’re going to hear about how Reagan restored America’s sense of patriotism – as if heartless slaughter, Club Med wars and making racism respectable are patriotic . (When they said “small town values” you know the color of the town, don’t you?).

I wonder if the Reaganauts can recognize any of the weapons they sold the mullahs when they see students gunned down in Teheran.

I do plan a memorial, for the victims, not the victimizer.

Please join me in commemorating the ill star that brought us a celluloid cowboy on his movie-set horsey by lighting a candle for a mom from Chaguitillo.


This obituary was originally published in The London Observer on Reagan’s death in 2004.

The author received close to 150 death threats and suggestions for acrobatic acts of intercourse with beasts and relatives.

Therefore, we have reserved a special email, just for your next threats.

Sign up for Greg Palast’s investigative reports at

ones and zeros


ones and zeros

he loved ones
she loved zeros
a beginning
a completion

twos and threes and fours would throw them
fives alive
sixes peace thru justice
seven heavens
(at least!)
nine deaths
ten reborn

we go

“What if words had no meaning?”

< ..> <3

“What if words had no meaning?”

in the beginning was the WORD
and the word became spoken
by babbling bobble heads
and some words became vitriol rhetoric
in the brains of the deranged


we scrambling for rational(s)

a Christ a Tiny a green
born on 9/11
September 11, 2001
Father John
Mother Roxanna.

Glen Beck would wash his bloody muddy hands
with words, “We all do it.”

maybe so, maybe not, That point is mute
there is only ONE point:

in the beginning was the word
words have consequences
it is as my Dr. Seuss poet friend pens,
“Watch your vocabulary.”

The Tower of Babel is a myth to learn from
perhaps as in…
babel long enough in untruths
one will not even understand what they are saying
nor will anyone listening
there is hope Louie,
if there is life there is time to turn to truth
May we all find truthiness
before we

KABOOM ourselves
and all living things
upon this blue orb
we call home.


< ,,>

time to turn the mirror around Fox News
polish with true reflectiveness
time to sit up, hope for change by changing
your news source Fox News patriots
blood-on-hands by association is easier
to cleans than blood-on-hands by calling for it
we can see clearly now deranged minds
respond to the calls for blood, targets in sight…

suggested redemption for US all:

contact Fox News advertisers
here are a few as of 6:30 a.m. moutain time
) (

9:00 a.m. mt

)21st Century Insurance

anyone want to expand this list please email us

Imus In the Morning


No, Al Sharpton. Imus suing MSNBC
for breach of contract does not prove
Imus was un-contrite. His contract was breached(.)
Imus suffered the loss of being on main stream media
for for six months. He apologized to the women
who claimed to be offended after it was brought to their attention.
They and their coach accepted his apology, and further
the coach didn’t want to see him fired.
Al Sharpton wanted to see Imus fired
and he got his wishes.
Al’s actions were appropriate
any time one feels offended by a comment on mass media
they have the right to protest the advertisers – proving
democracy works – protest and free speech lives
at least in this instance.
Sharpton, as a Christian, says he forgives him,
but doesn’t believe Imus has suffered enough.
When will we hear Al Sharpton apologize
for any thing he has said on mass media?
And here’s to you Kim Candy:
Anyone who is anti-Hillary
IS NOT making a sexist statement.
Also, Candy, I took your statement,
“Don Imus is to old to know anything about Rap lyrics.”
as a racist statement against the elderly.
I am a septuagenarian and know something about Rap.
I am also a female anti-Hillary.

“When kicked in the rear by an opponent, you know you are in front.”

doesn’t matter then, why one is kicked
even less, in front of what?
all avowing “No new taxes!”
Heard that declaration before?
“Right to bear arms a ‘family tradition.” – McCain
Good for the rest of the country but not for D.C.
Top 3 priorities for cutting taxes:
“Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.” – Thompson

Which debates have been polled
to be more interesting:
When the media asks the questions
or when the public asks?
What moderator holds the firmest
time limitations? Anderson Cooper,
thus far.
Which moderator
gives equal time to all contenders?
Thus far, none.
Don’t tell us who the top dogs are,
we already know it is those
with the largest war chest, and
most advertising dollars.
Equal is equal
until the first primaries.
What candidate would overstep
time limits if, when used up
he might be shut up
before the final question?

How America Can Win In Iraq

Off the Slate
“There’s bad news today
from both Iraq and Afghanistan,
where it seems that recent military successes
aren’t translating into political progress.”

getting troops out of Iraq
will not be an American defeat
no, no “cut and run”
it will be a George Bush American Foreign Policy defeat.
And it would be a win
for America’s republican democratic process
to end this illegal
ill begotten Iraq War(.)

Immigrants are Hard Working, God Fearing Christians!!!

Elephant in the Room,”
announces Goldberg, Jonah of
National Review On Line, is
“the line between US and Mexico.”

Yo Respondo:
that line is not
unlike the wide wide ocean
our forefathers crossed
seeking a new life!
of course he was not referring to himself
as a Republican elephant
further he prrotrudes,
“Immigration is
the 4th (or 3rd) estate in the 2008 election.”
full meaning
to freeze us in horrific fear:
“They’re taking our job!.”
“They’re lowering our property values!”
“They’re bringing in diseases, gangs etc!”

Tell me Red Robin
which candidate
this election
do they most want us to fear?

who shall i say is calling?

i touch my finger to your pictured face
wanting so to come home to you
i’m not afraid to stay here
but i grow weary and it grows hard
and harder still
it is
yes again
Thanksgiving Eve
the day before
turkey gobbling
strutting parades
and children starving by hundreds of thousands
today’s news:
* U.S. submits missile defense plans
* Tropical storms loom in south Asia
yesterday’s news:
In Myanmar they are torturing Buddhist Monks!!!
but you came
you left
too soon for us
yes we know how you suffered for humanity
and why 23 years was more than enough
2 and 3 the number of life
my dear persecuted
by peers and not so peer
the scorn scorning adults
simply because you were a happy handicapped daredevil
jeaously can be so very deadly
but you kept smiling
oh, such a one, at peace with yourself
those last many days
your own mother could not stop that ocean
of pain and why why whys
on this paradise called Earth
we still have not learned to get along
again i remember
the staying because your mother stays
your mother staying for friends, relatives, and me
you, who so knew
the power of love
spirit, alive and strong
reminding me
reminding us
flowers bloom and flowers die
but the essence lives
in our hearts
whenever they are open
oh my yes
i will be thanks giving in the morning
good night my departed friend
good night to your mother too
peace you gave when you touched our lives
ours if we but pause
there now i pause
and coulda/shoulds/woulda pressed delete
save for the zillions of suffering mothers
fathers too
instead, if my brain functions long enough
to send my message out in space
with a chance to heal
“It feels right, do it!”
will i make it?
hang the nest!

They’re Torturing Buddhist Monks!!!

for Christ’s sake does anybody care
in Burma
(why did they rename it Myanmar?)
why are Buddhist Monks being tortured
what and why
oh power power power
how seductive thou art!
Why are the Christians not protesting?
Why are not the Jews lamenting?
From heaven to hell
we go flipping flopping
From shore to forest
we go marching warring
Heys you in your box
it’s johnny-jump up time
do something)