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time to turn the mirror around Fox News
polish with true reflectiveness
time to sit up, hope for change by changing
your news source Fox News patriots
blood-on-hands by association is easier
to cleans than blood-on-hands by calling for it
we can see clearly now deranged minds
respond to the calls for blood, targets in sight…

suggested redemption for US all:

contact Fox News advertisers
here are a few as of 6:30 a.m. moutain time
)LandRoverUSA.com (JLRSales@Piehler.com)

9:00 a.m. mt

)21st Century Insurance

anyone want to expand this list please email us

Polymorphing Betty Crocker

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Polymorphing Betty Crocker

“he’s not heavy he’s my turtle”

scratch belly button
prep 4 battling bungled bulges

Bam Bam exhorts Gops to put
“politics aside”

betwixt 10 and 20
no blame.
buts say and hey! and yeah
a cook book. ‘n all ya gotta do is
1) pull factory canned cans from the larder
2) measure white sugar & white
bleached flour
(they oh so lived white)
and 1 & 2 are only the beginning…

Oh sob, oh sad…

Where are you?”


< ..>


guessing They learned from The Great Depression
to only give us little depressions as in
Recession sounds less depressing?
wiki wiki little zephyr
it’s jus’ because They didn’t understand
Allan Alda hasta play the Mad
Vet from Vietnam
Synonymous with free speech
Sea Monkey
Anony Mouse flies
better than Miss Piggy wid wings!

Damsey it hussh
den ya can hear her sing!

if we leave our Xmas lights up all year
will They be merrier than they
are without them?
remind anyone of some of that
good Cheer we all proclaimed last year
about eight days ago?

“FOCUS, he ordered,
“focus or be eaten by a dog!”


i’ve already been polymorphed 3 times today
maybe perhaps sometime tomorrow after
our Sun is felt and shining
he’ll be back…



let them say

they are lilacs

we did not live

in the days

of Hercules

but remember

the days of Hercules

was an



from Beast

there was:

in Men & Gods

there was also

The Question,

will it



from Mutter to Operaphila


it was too good to be true, still
a delight to feel the possibility
a dreamed described lives
if in a distant
past or future
object being
no more important than the subject
the verb remains love

the body speaks louder than words
dear long-hair-operaphila Reading Terminal Market
his eyes, to a non-believer, said
“Yes, I’m real!”
4th or 5th time to watch
esta momenta
still makes me giggle out loud

yet this second day of Winter
and truthiness
what a wonderful gift to we the people
and we who have never been inside an opera house
such joy in many faces, magic in a few
audience as part of the show –
a pleasant surprise

bravo! bravo! bravo!

The Making of a Terrorist, Big and Small

In Omaha, Nebraska
a man is fired from McDonalds.
In Baghdad, Iraq
a man’s home is bombed to rubble.
What does it take to turn a human brain
into reptilian mode?
Destroy his home and livelihood
or blast his little children to bits and bones.
Fight or flight?
Flight or fight?
When one is hale or hardy enough
expect fight.
When one is old and feeble enough
expect fight from his grown children.
Terrorists, big or small
how everly created
will use what is near at hand
be it stones, Uzi, or home made device
Here comes the fractured brain
goes there for a bigger stick
bigger and bigger
till dropped from the sky.
Terror from the sky OMG!!!
How terrorizing is that???
“Get out of town in 48 hours
here comes shock and awe!”
Fly boys pull their levers
What is the sound of a 500 ton bomb
whizzing thru the air above your head?
It blasts into your neighbor’s house
the terror is knowing it may be yours next.
“An overwhelming feeling of admiration”
Never happened. (Yeah,
we know all about photo ops and movie moguls,
who will give us a Tail wagging a Dog,
for the Almighty Money God.)
When the dividing rod is Fear
war mongers’ dreams materialize
Why so long, oh humankind,,
never understanding
violence begets violence.
If we never evolve
to non violent conflict resolution
we will devolve to the stone age
if any survive…
“Can I have your stuff
after the rapture?”
If one virgin is not enough
70 will be excessive.

Imus In the Morning


No, Al Sharpton. Imus suing MSNBC
for breach of contract does not prove
Imus was un-contrite. His contract was breached(.)
Imus suffered the loss of being on main stream media
for for six months. He apologized to the women
who claimed to be offended after it was brought to their attention.
They and their coach accepted his apology, and further
the coach didn’t want to see him fired.
Al Sharpton wanted to see Imus fired
and he got his wishes.
Al’s actions were appropriate
any time one feels offended by a comment on mass media
they have the right to protest the advertisers – proving
democracy works – protest and free speech lives
at least in this instance.
Sharpton, as a Christian, says he forgives him,
but doesn’t believe Imus has suffered enough.
When will we hear Al Sharpton apologize
for any thing he has said on mass media?
And here’s to you Kim Candy:
Anyone who is anti-Hillary
IS NOT making a sexist statement.
Also, Candy, I took your statement,
“Don Imus is to old to know anything about Rap lyrics.”
as a racist statement against the elderly.
I am a septuagenarian and know something about Rap.
I am also a female anti-Hillary.

“When kicked in the rear by an opponent, you know you are in front.”

doesn’t matter then, why one is kicked
even less, in front of what?
all avowing “No new taxes!”
Heard that declaration before?
“Right to bear arms a ‘family tradition.” – McCain
Good for the rest of the country but not for D.C.
Top 3 priorities for cutting taxes:
“Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.” – Thompson

Which debates have been polled
to be more interesting:
When the media asks the questions
or when the public asks?
What moderator holds the firmest
time limitations? Anderson Cooper,
thus far.
Which moderator
gives equal time to all contenders?
Thus far, none.
Don’t tell us who the top dogs are,
we already know it is those
with the largest war chest, and
most advertising dollars.
Equal is equal
until the first primaries.
What candidate would overstep
time limits if, when used up
he might be shut up
before the final question?

Hesse’s Dog

Rascal, Sadie and Sandy
now gone, dead and gone
all victims of suburbia
and one bully boy
but poor Hesse’s dog
now free to roam
without a name
home alone
none of his neighbors know his name
so lonesome he yet howls
“Hesse won’t you please come home?”
He howls not for food
the neighbors throw him scraps
He howls not for water
water crashes from the sky
It is a mournful howl
his family all up and gone away
and no one knows his name.
Where the shame of holy stains?
Where the politics of life?
December rains heavily upon my roof
“Dog, are you sheltered,
perhaps under a tired old car?
What will stop the rain, this heavy rain?
Have more patience little zephyr
have faith and trust in Mother Nature
perhaps this is only a rinse cycle
perhaps father Sun is only sleeping
the hours are few till He is due
to rise again, so shine again
till ittsy bittsy Charlotte
will up the spout again.

midnight in the summer sky

midnight in the summer sky
rain falls when eyes are full
i want to stop them so i write
of candles lost upon my desk
of candles placed upon my chest
and vigil candles lit so long ago
in memory of the dead
bath candle no longer used for bath
i place upon my postered wall
it lights my favorite charity
“doctor’s without borders”
it is the way of midnight owls
a silent howling of the heart
in search of peace
not too cry little zephyr
desk candle was only hidden from you
there behind those little boxes, see it?
light it, the wall candle also
for a wider view
not to worry weary zephyr
doctors without borders know
you’d join them if you could
hauling around your oxygen in a tank
is hard to do
what su do with your donations
is as much the donation
as the moral support
of knowing others care
to give.