The coming Sagas will be of This man among men,
who was bred through ages in forest and fen,
who endured evolution at the hands of God,
who suffered selection both corporeal and societal,
through many stages developmental,
to ends unknown instrumental.

Many small footfalls heard by the implacable
code sublime in vast halls of time,
instruct the invisible Fact of How
through Act or Omission to fall or rise in grace;
how though faith and charity unequally manifest,
the one who KNOWS is better blessed.

Those who here extrapolate contradiction
incur a guilt of dereliction.
For mind is vast but matter is shallow;
the rote of words the brain is fallow.
The Body in the shadow of the Soul
grows weak with Reason; For the seed
symbol to word is to thing as to seed.

The abyss circumscribing existence blooms
black holes of deep sacrifice inside
the subject in contemplation of Pure Mind.
Unlike the universe, anti-matter needs a Zero
to think it. As creation itself suggests
mind to mirror lost.

© Carlton Godbold 1987

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