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U.N.'s PR coup? | Poem

Jan. 28, 2005 / 18 Shevat, 5765

The U. N.'s PR coup

By Anne Bayefsky

Why is this man smiling? For a very good reason

"...60th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp...'never again' were repeated many times. But what exactly did they mean to U.N. members and officials?"

Exactly! There have been many more holocausts after World War II, when one uses BOTH definitions of "holocaust" - destroy by fire.

"...throwing something toward the Jews, in the form of commemorating a 60-year-old catastrophe, a relatively inexpensive means of redemption."

Exactly! Redemption needs to come from the rich Germans who were eating cake while the poor Germans, unable to obtain wheat to bake bread were starving for a change and there was Hitler, promising them bread. (Yes of course we all know he turned into an evil dictator - many revolutions are stolen that way.)

"...suicide-terrorism as a crime against humanity (without mentioning the context)."

as is
pushing people off their homeland and/or killing them
drooping bombs from the sky and flying home to a chicken dinner
hoarding water sources

"...public entrance of the U.N...one comes across the word "Israel" on one occasion, in the last sentence..."

60th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp - there is a different anniversary for "Israel"
that would be 2007? And for Palestine?

"The secretary-general improved his image. Israel, the perpetual U.N.-loser, was queen-for-a-day."

And that is why the U.N. has never enforced their resolutions against Israel - at least, to date.

"'a cycle of violence'... .his is the face of modern anti-Semitism."

Semite means Arab AND Jew and yes, a cycle of violence

All peoples want security in a land they call home.

"liberation of the Auschwitz death camp..."never again"

While this one of the world's most horrific times in history it was NOT the only one.
Now is a good time for all of us to pay attention to our vocabulary. When you mean anti Jew say anti Jew. When you think holocaust think of BOTH dictionary meanings. This should not be a contest of who suffered the most. Ask the young American who's pain was so great he wanted to commit suicide - at least, at the last moment, noticing the suffering he had caused, ran back to the train wreck to see if he could help of course he was immediately arrested and the talking heads are asking if he should receive the death penalty (as if his actions were not that of a crazed man).

"...When contemporary political issues are set aside, and an affirmation of the centrality of the Jewish state's well-being to the Jewish people's well-being is not key to a commemoration of the Holocaust, "never again" is an empty phrase."

In other words, the peoples of the UN owe the Jewish people what Israel wants, regardless of the Palestinian peoples' fate.

"...Israelis is labeled 'state terrorism.'"

Neither Bush nor Sharon has a stranglehold on the definition of "terrorism".

"...the U.N. (less than half of whose members can be called "free" according to Freedom House)."

And how many of those members that are un"free" are kept in bondage by outside military and financial support?

"...Improving the image of the U.N. and its secretary-general could prove more costly than Israelis have bargained."

And what have the Israelis bargained? Where are the tapes from Camp David?

Anne Bayefsky is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a visiting professor at Touro and Metropolitan Colleges in New York