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The jihad comes to Britain | Poem

July 11, 2004 / 4 Tamuz, 5764

The jihad comes to Britain

By Melanie Phillips

"LONDON...Islamophobia, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick...'As far as I am concerned, Islam and terrorists are two words that do not go together'. So what, then, does he think al Qaeda is?"

He thinks al Qaeda is a terrorists group that has high jacked parts of the Koran - parts that have been wrongly interpreted or no longer part of Islam - somewhat like parts of the Old Testament are no longer part of Judaism - like stoning adulteresses for example.

"...Law-abiding and patriotic Muslims - and the great majority are just that..."

To think otherwise is indeed Islamophobia.

"...the Met did a great job. But counter-terrorism is all about preventing such catastrophes from occurring in the first place."

And is this how the problem with Northern Ireland was settled?

"...America now has draconian border controls...have to have visas to enter the country, and every entrant is now routinely photographed and fingerprinted."

This is only true at legal border crossings - thousands cross the US border every day over thousands of miles that are not patrolled.

..."Britain...has pussy-footed around...On 7/7 it paid the ultimate and terrible price."

It was not pussy-footing that gave Britain 7/7 - it was lock stepping with the US and ignoring its own history lesson with Northern Ireland...or how many times they tried to colonize the middle-east and had to back off...
