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Thou shalt have no other Gods before the ACLU | Poem

March 11, 2005 / 30 Adar I, 5765

Thou shalt have no other gods before the ACLU

By Mona Charen

Thou shalt have no other gods before Bush Money.

"...secular liberals who get itchy and twitchy at any reminder of our religious roots as a nation."

Sorry Mona Charen you can not remake history - the ORIGINAL debate between our founding fathers was about who indeed guarantees our civil liberities. Spin all you like. When the top stops - it is all about separating religion from state - the very think Bush wants to do in the middle east.  Our "roots" was the people who fled their homeland because of religious persecution.

"...religious fervor, with which Texans approach their football ...)."

Thou shalt have no other gods before Texas Football.

"...a frieze on the Supreme Court's chamber depicting none other than Moses holding the tablets in his hands."

And if you mention the other statues next to Moses it would blow your spin.

And, as, to your new book: Do Gooders

Jesus was a do gooder.

Of the names mentioned in the promo:

 Marian Wright Edelman  - Children's Defense Fund?

John Kerry - the Christian Swift Boat Vets got their 35 year hate out against the man who outted them. There WAS torture and other illegal atrocities committed in Vietnam - see again: Born on the 4th of July and Good Morning Vietnam - based on TRUE stories. John Kerry lost the 2004 election because he was betrayed by ...

Hillary Rodham Clinton - the spearheads of the democratic party that are in the same bed as the spearheads of the republican party - at least as far as American foreign policy - that same policy that created (and is still creating) so much suffering around the world.
