

icon for issue #4

this issue dedicated to Thomas H. Keyes
photo of T. H. Keyes

To Noone ~ from Yinsing

In absence of beauty there is pain
Without love there is rain

In the absence of self
There is noone to love

An Ode To Noone Dog ~ from Yangsing

i keep 'doing nothing' about the plight of 
the two dogs next door
they are on a chain constantly
no shelter from the weather
their ribs are showing
i feel a moral delima (legality is not the question)
if all life is sacred
does that include a suffering life
we say it is so with humans
and we say it is not with animals
would these dogs prefer 
to live out their lives on their chains
or be gassed by our 'humane society'
and trucked to our land fill
by workers that need to laugh when they toss them in
i feel
damned if i do
and damned if i do not
do anything

the ladydog is barking now
maybe she's barking at me
maybe i should learn to listen
it is a different kind of barking
in that no other dogs have joined in
even her constant companion only lies nearby
the bark is not of stress or alarm
is she only saying "I am"?
and i am chained to them in doggie dreams
seeking wildness

Beauty ~ from Yinsingyang

maybe the world
will notice
maybe it will not
maybe the sun will indeed rise
maybe not
a friend says
of course it will
make a bet?
yes I'll make a bet
I'll make a bet that
your mouth will fill
with dust
and the sun
I'll make a bet that
love may have mattered
beauty is indeed

Sisters and Brothers ~ from Yinyangsing

true sisters and brothers
neither war over differences
or withhold love or help

when the enemy is brother or sister
we are doomed because
we are all yes? brothers and sisters

how many hungry faces must we face
how many mutants cry over
before we see

"Ohno - Ohyes. That is me."

Spring ~ from Kenneth Maya

march hare i am
april late
between the eagle and the fox
does anybody care
is anybody there

amo, amas, amat


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