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spawn | Poem

The Spawning of a Mad Poet

Since the beginning of April
2000, Thomas H. Keyes has been in 
jail in Bangkok, Thailand, sleeping on 
the floor. If he wants a drink of water 
he has to buy it, no bathing, poor food. There is no such thing as crowded jails 
in Thailand so personal space 
diminishes. If you are arrested you are considered guilty and have to prove innocence. After nine months in jail Tom 
still does not have a trial date.

UPDATE: Tom gained his freedom
and one month later committed suicide
off an island in Hawaii - the dehuman-
ization was complete - he could no
longer live with the pain...

Appointment to the
Naval Academy by
Senator Dole
* Lifetime seeking a
non-violent way of life
* Lifetime devoted
to classical guitar and
writing poetry and
* Living a buddhist life
* Seeking to have a
minimal impact on
Mother Earth - cooking his own food, reparing
his own cloths e.g.
* Finding Thailand a
land of non-violent
* Tried to help a Thai
woman who wanted to 
go to Japan
* Wasting in jail while
the lady he would help
is allowed to go free


    Tom's poetry  ~  letter from Tom's friend in Thailand

King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, A message from Tom

Tom wants the jail conditions known  ~  other problems in Thailand
