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Thanking Allah for the infidels | Poem

Jan. 11, 2005 / 1 Shevat, 5765

Thanking Allah for the infidels

By Wesley Pruden

"...watching the sky darkening with American rescue helicopters..."

How many helicopters does it take to "darken" the sky?
Is a sky "darker" when helicopters are rescuing or is the sky "darker" when helicopters are shooting bullets?

"...vacationing infidels, deserved to die because they were only on the beaches to "fornicate....."

Would they might think that because it is/was the seat of  the sex slave trade?

"Islam is not about grace, amazing or otherwise."

Judism is not about grace, amazing or otherwise.
Christianity is not about grace, amazing or otherwise...
could also be claimed, if one has myoptic vision, and see the few as the many (it is called the birth of racism).

"Saudi Arabia first said it would donate $10 million, about what King Fahd might spend when he takes his wives and concubines to Paris or New York for a week of shopping and imbibing the forbidden pleasures of the satanic West."

America first said it would donate $10 million, about what King George might spend on a Texas Hold'em barbecue.

"He (Fahd) raised it to $30 million when certain chagrined Muslims made grumbling noises about what can only be called Arab piggery."

He (Bush) raised it to $35 million when certain chagrined Americans called Bush "stingy".

All told, the four big oil states...agreed to spend $70 million to assist brother Muslims.

All told, Bush raised the anti to $350 million when the charges of "stingy" did not abate. Then he pronounced that this did not include the use of the military to deliver the relief.

"...Christians and Jews at the White House are whistlin' Dixie... if they think...American tsunami aid will win any hearts or change many minds."

No body whistlin' - people that are not hungry, not homeless, not lacking health care and not without jobs have less hate towards those that steal their natural resources.

"The sight of Marines dropping food and clothing from the air, or of Navy corpsmen consoling children with shots and pills, can make Americans feel good about themselves for doing what good Christians and observant Jews know they ought to do."

Charity is, by its nature, good and needs no religious "ought to do".

Gratitude in the wake of a tidal wave, on the other hand, is as scarce as a dry shirt and pants.

Wesley Pruden...go there and see for yourself if this is true.

"...Colin Powell...after his inspection flight over hell..'I hope...a result of our efforts...the value system of ours will be reinforced [in the minds of the Muslims]."

Wesley Pruden, do you wish differently?

"...Muslims...on an empty stomach..."

And the last time Wesley Pruden felt an empty stomach?

"...James Zogby....It's not responsive to why people in the Arab world are furious with America. The region has its own tsunami."

And the "why" is?

"...hatred of America is mostly about Israel..."

And the hatred of Palestine is mostly about?

The rich Islamic governments are too absorbed in their own indifference to notice the suffering of others.

And the rulers of these governments are kept in power with the help of who?

"...a lot of Muslims would be starving this morning...."

And a lot of Muslims were starving before the tsunami.

"The Israelis are sending food and medicines to those who revile them, no questions asked."

This would be very good indeed if there was also no quibbling about how is stingy and who is piggery.

The value of American aid, including military and private charities, will run into the billions.

Good! All charity is good.

The compassion circus keeps expanding.

We have waited a long time for "compassionate conservatives" to be more compassionate and less conservative.

"Circus?" Please! G_d's children are suffering.

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