Owl Poem for Kids

owl poems

Owl Poem with Warthogs

Wee Willie was a warthog

he warted and hogged the whole day

and at night Wee Willie turned into

a great horned owl and

flew and flew

all night long.

The owl’s name was Ollie the Owl

and Ollie perched in the highest tree

and waited for the sunrise.

Warthogs and owls

don’t know that I know

their little


I am a man in the day and when I sleep I

fly with Ollie


Oh Wee Willie

Oh Wee Willie

Do you sleep when Ollie


Oh Ollie Oh Ollie

I’ll meet you when

the sun falls behind the





david michael jackson April 21, 2012 editors@artvilla.com

If the kids liked the Owl poem they may like my rabbit poem
