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Sometimes it’s useful to weed out the clips and get to the longer videos. This is a great search for full movies and concerts.
Highest Rated Videos
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Are they right, wrong or indifferent. Some have discerning tastes and rate things. These are the highest rated videos
Share Tubegle the Video Search EngineNeighborhood Schools and My Bicycle
The bicycle knows
names like
neighborhood schools
say neighborhood
mean segregation
The bicycle rides the roads
the bicycle rides smooth roads
in white neighborhoods
rough roads in black
the bicycle sees
neighborhood roads
Want your road paved?
Make enough to avoid taxes
then my bicycle
can ride your road
can I?
My bicycle and I travel the roads in my county. The roads in the rich communities are beautiful and smooth and newly paved as I write this. The richer neighborhoods have twice to three times as many publicly built street lamps and publicly built sidewalks as the poor neighborhoods. Bicycles love smooth roads, the rich have those. I just wonder when I ride these perfect neighborhoods why do they get more of the tax funds than neighborhoods that may pay more taxes? Why do the rich want to pay less and get more. Are they against government and first in line to call about their roads and best at getting the benefits of government?
My bicycle knows about “Neighborhood Roads”.
My bicycle and I know exactly what “Neighborhood Schools” means. I grew up riding a school bus in the south. We passed the “Neighborhood School” for the blacks every day. There was no grass in the yard and the county didn’t even paint the building. I saw neighborhood schools. I was a little child but I knew something was wrong with what I saw out of that window. What I saw was the same thing my bicycle saw.
Bogota Bus Poem by Dandelion De La Rue
Bogota Bus
Solemn saints and
careening through
chaotic streets
of early
morning dimness
getting me
to work on time
only slightly bruised
and only slightly sane.
The man beside me
sleeps, snoring
to the music of the radio
music fast and loud
surreal morning
as we speed by
shuttered shops
and blanket covered
sidewalk shapes.
A man sells
magic bracelets
to protect us from
the evil emanating
from computer screens.
A singer climbs aboard
and sings a love song
blending with the
snores and radio.
I’ve never seen
a robot
on the bus.
They take a taxi
or a private car
fearing damage
to their rivets,
or rust perhaps
from other people’s
I Am Not So Good But I Try
I am not so good
but I try
we all try
we are happy when we move,
when we dance,
when we sing,
when we see birds fly
and bees
when we see
the children of the animals
and the people play,
when we play
we are happy when
we stand in the doorway
and the light from outside
shines in our eyes
we a le a we a le a
let the peace make us happy
let the peace allow the silence
of our thoughts, the
symphony of silent joy
we a le a we a le a
The mermaids sing
the mermaids call
we a le a we a le a
david michael jackson
Mouse in a Hole
I’m a mouse in a hole
pretending divinity
a heaven would need animals
and plants
My heaven would need a mouse.
Carl Sagan said that the trees and plants
are genetically and organically like us,
that they use the same organic compounds
that life began before there was an atmosphere
life created the atmosphere
life began with organic compounds
created by lightning
We have so much
The universe has been here for
fourteen billion years and
that is a grain of sand…
take a hundred billion of those
and that is a grain of sand
We’ll see each other in a few
universe explosions
and it will seem as if
it were a second
we’ll look at the two suns and
three moons like they were
always there
and the mouse and the plants will be in our heaven
david michael jackson
Jack of Hearts Queen of Hearts Jack of Spades Poem by Phil Coyote
JJJJJby Phil CoyoteThe Jack of Heartswho gave us new startshad his brain blown away in Dallas’ Dealey Plazaas the whole world watchedby television.ZR RIFLEThe Queen of Heartswho unchained heartsrode the pure white steedwent downstairs to buy some cigarettesand went back up to her roomand breathed her last breathof LA’s smogso says our Pravda.COINTELPROThe Jack of Spadeswho gave electric, life changing serenadesand freed the slavesmixed pills and wineand left for all timeuprightin a London ambulancechoked to death.COINTELPROThe Lizard Kingwho could do anythingand change your mindwhen he’d singrode the pure white steedthat he never, ever would heedand found his only friendthe endin a bathtubin the City of LightsCOINTELPROThe walrus who everyone knewlike a Jesus Jewwho’d help you to do what’s truewas shot by an intelligentsia sleeperin the Big Appleanother Casualty In AmericaJJJJJ
Barefoot Review
Barefoot Review
Principals: Jason Teeple (Founder) Mel Glenn Nicholas Gordon Amy King Jamie Sue Austin
In their words:
The Barefoot Review publishes original written work by people who have or have had physical difficulties in their lives, from cancer to seizures, Alzheimer’s to Lupus. It is also a place for caretakers, families, significant others and friends to write about their experiences and relationships to the person. They are a vital part to being able to live with an illness.
Some websites aren’t like others. Most websites emerge because of profit, ego, or simply personal expression. In all of these ventures good can occasionally be done. There are a few websites, like people, that emerge because of a giant need to somehow be a candle in the darkness. When you encounter such a place, it is a time to bow and honor. We are proud to bring the Barefoot Review to your attention..