Poem for Farmers For My Grandfather by David Michael Jackson

For my grandfather the farmer poem
For my grandfather the farmer poem

For my grandfather:

You said on that porch,
“I just can’t work no more.”
“I just can’t work no more.”
that’s what you lived for.

the porch is gone
the swing is gone
the well is gone
the chicken house
the smoke house,
the barn,
are gone.

the house is gone.
the cherry tree,
the apple trees,
the cows are gone

and the family moved to town.

Your tractor is gone
and the wire with which
you held it together.

That field is there
I stood in it again
it was empty and bare
without you there.

Yes that field is there.

You planted tobacco and
at the end of each row,

You worked me hard for a boy
but I know work
and having to stay
until its done.

The bell is gone,
to call the farmer to the house.

It was the house and the field.

the house and the field…

and town on Saturday.


TWILIGHT CITY, A Song by Avril Tween and Norman Tween

hollywood the twilight city

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/191657791″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

In her eyes, she sees the diamond twilight city,
where the Harlows and the Garbos never die.
In her heart, she knows the star she longs to follow,
to the sign up in the Hills where angels fly.
And the legendary Metro Goldwyn Mayer
is her freeway to the sky.
And every dime-a-dance girl with a suitcase on the sidewalk
knows her story has already been told.
And the bus back home to Lonelyville,
it don’t leave here anymore.
And every Norma Jean who bought a ticket to the dream,
saw the twilight city lose its tinsel glow.
While the bus back home to Lonelyville,
it don’t leave here anymore.
No the bus back home to Lonelyville,
it don’t leave here anymore.

Werds & Muzik N.Tween 2015.


Healthcare – A Poem

By Ron Olsen

When people profit from
Other people’s illness

Disease becomes more profitable
Than wellness

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon
To understand

Sickness perpetuates wealth
Free healthcare results in health

Try and move forward
Rather than back

And they’ll nail you with fear
And rail you with lies

While they pay off the doctors
And give the medical schools millions

To perpetuate
The myth of caring


© 2015 Ron Olsen / all rights reserved



Ron Olsen is a retired journalist who lives in Los Angeles.   He writes essays and an occasional poem.   More of his work can be found here.


Tiddly Doo Poem

Tiddly do bugaboo

what’s up with you?

Squeeky wheel please add some grease

before the crickets run off

with the wagon

Tiddly do bugaboo

what’s up with you?

Life wasn’t supposed to be like this

Mr Whiskers

I was supposed to dream and find out stuff

figure it all out

and all I am left with

is beauty, bugaboo

beauty lying there all along

in the way the cat sleeps

all day with no plans at all

and shows up at the same each night beside me

beauty bugaboo in the light

in the shadows and in Monet’s snow.

There is nothing in wisdom

except for the knowledge of your own ignorance

my little bug-a-boo-kins

We thought we could stop the gun with a flower



Hotdish – A Poem Of The Great North Woods

by Ron Olsen

God bless hotdish
It kept us alive
But first we’d pray
Our Sunday morning ritual
To get through it all
For just one more day

We meant it too
We were so unworthy
The Vicar told us
And vile
And ungrateful
Not worthy to “gather up the crumbs” under His table
Which we really didn’t need
Truth be told

We had hotdish

Plenty of it
Stronger than theology
And tasty too

And sour cream
A splash of milk with a can of soup
Mix it together
Crush some potato chips on top
A sprinkle of paprika for an exotic edge
Throw it in the oven
And there you go

Salt and pepper
To give it taste
Bracing your blood to stand up
To the demon weather
Wailing outside
Begging you to come out
So it could try and kill you one more time

But we had hotdish
Made by the Ladies of the Ladies Aid
Who knew what they were doing

Big, strong German and Scandinavian farm ladies
With secrets they brought over from the old country
Arriving with only their bibles, babies and the family jewels
Bending over stoves
In the Episcopal Guild Hall basement
The heat flooding out to envelop the entire room

Making heavy, hearty, homemade hotdish in
Big Pyrex glass baking dishes
Doing their part
To keep the kids and the cardiologists going

And just as you were about to burst with joy
Unworthy as you were
There was even more to come
Through the passthrough and out into the main hall

Giant bowls of green and yellow Jell-O, wiggling and jiggling with life
Bits of cottage cheese suspended inside
And green olives
Molded in the shape of pinwheels
Or Christmas trees
Or peculiar giant half-moon shaped fish with big scales

And the old men would watch
Mumbling under their breath
“Damn kids don’t know how good they’ve got it…”

So we prayed to be forgiven
And were mindful of the need to be always alert
If the weather didn’t kill you some crazy old man might
Or you could fall through the ice and drown a horrible death in the lake

And all the while the wind screamed
Threatening to take your soul

And it might have
Except for the hotdish

Neither the north wind
Nor the crazy old men dared cross
The ladies of the Ladies Aid
Who knew exactly what they were doing


© Ron Olsen – all rights reserved


Ron Olsen is a retired journalist who lives in Los Angeles, where he writes essays and an occasional poem.  You can find more of his poetry on his website, workingreporter.com.



balloons moons exploding universes e e cummings poems and and

balloons moons exploding universes e e cummings poems and and

What if fourteen billion years
later the universe collapses
and explodes again
among other exploding universes
and that fourteen billion years
was fourteen seconds
of a child blowing up a balloon
and wondering
what his universe
was made of?
“What if a billion years were a second,
says the child,
“and these stars are
in someone’s balloon.”

AAAND from e e cummings

“who knows if the moon’s
a balloon,coming out of a keen city
in the sky–filled with pretty people?
( and if you and I should

get into it,if they
should take me and take you into their balloon,
why then
we’d go up higher with all the pretty people

than houses and steeples and clouds:
go sailing
away and away sailing into a keen
city which nobody’s ever visited,where

Spring)and everyone’s
in love and flowers pick themselves”


E.E. Cummings, Collected Poems


FeatherLeaf Speaks | Pale Face Lied | Chief Joseph’s Bones | Poems by John Kaniecki

FeatherLeaf Speaks
By John Kaniecki
The elders sat timid and meek
As FeatherLeaf rose to speak
“Why should I yearn for the stars when I have not learned the pebbles?”
“The still calm peace of the morning and the angry hurricane of evening are both the same wind.”
“Wisdom is not in words alone and can only be proven in the final ending.”
“Our blood was shed for the pale face invaders great wealth but the offender possesses no riches at all.”
“If you are so wise why cannot you see what you really are?”
“I call the stars my friends and the trees my brothers. I have lived more in a moment than you have in your many years.”
“When you were young the old were cruel and foolish. Now that you are old you have forgotten this lesson.”
“Young man I cannot understand you, I will admit to that. Perhaps you see what I am. I too must grow. Please do not be hasty to judge me before my time. But more important follow your dreams no matter what I say or do. You owe this much to yourself.”
“They say you cannot know a man until you walk a mile in his shoes. You cannot walk in my shoes. I walk barefoot.”
“I am a brother to the oppressed. My mind is yellow, my heart is red, my soul is black and my skin is pale.”
 “Do not tell me your story all at once, my people; my heart cannot bare that much sorrow. I will not promise you a happy ending; I do not desire to lie to you. I can only give you my tears and blood.”
“The pale man’s Jesus is the greatest wickedness of Satan. If you doubt this for but a moment not one ray of light of truth is in you. The real Jesus is another matter.”
“It is better to die now and perish bravely for that which we cherish and Love. We shall meet death soon enough, let us do so with a smile on our faces.”
“The biggest mistake we can make is to underestimate the Love of the Creator.”
“The pale man’s words were spoken in the presence of the Wind. The Spirit has heard every utterance. The pale man laughs secure thinking he has cheated us and has escaped justice. He is more foolish then a farmer planting seed in the snow.”
“Do you think He did not know the misery of the world to come that He formed?”
“They cling on hard to prolong their existence but they have never lived.”
“War will never bring peace. One reaps what one sows. If war could bring peace we would have had peace in abundance cause God knows we have had enough war.”
“’Every journey begins with a first step,’ spoke the man thinking he was so wise. ‘What a fool,’ said the Eagle to the Salmon.”
“As my thoughts turn to you, the warm rays of the sun glisten in radiant beauty through the icicle shining vivid colors as the water drips reforming my substance, creating in me something greater and stronger than what I am.”
And finally after all this he spoke and said this,
“Listening with wisdom is better than speaking with wisdom.”
And so of all those who heard,
We dared not utter another word.
Thought’s on Woody’s Legacy
By John Kaniecki
Well Woody was a hero
Loved by one and all
Well Woody was a hero
Who answered the call
Rhyme in mouth guitar in hand
He traveled many a mile of this land
Woody lived by the words he sung
Tis the way to stay forever young
Pop stars and cosmetic fakes
Have everything cept what it takes
Rubber breasts and modified voice
Make it easy to make my choice
Woodie was a friend to the poor
Understood money but knew Love was more
Giving was the key to being free
A song to share showed his care for everybody
On the box trains, round the hobo’s fire
He was a champion of a man who didn’t tire
Woody’s songs echo from mountain to canyon
True in heart his soul will not depart or abandon
The land he loved and lived for so many years
That he gave his blood, sweat and tears
Somewhere a child turns on MTV
Bored he flicks a channel to another reality
It’s a complicated, sophisticated idiodicy
What the world needs is another Woody Guthrie
Chief Joseph’s Bones
By John Kaniecki
I cried out calling for Chief Joseph’s bones
I could not be heard
Not a solitary word
Amongst the lonely cries and bitter moans
Chief Joseph where do you dwell
They have deformed paradise
And concocted a concrete hell
If only they heeded your advice
If they would but listen
The sky would be clear and the blue lakes glisten
We would live off of the bounty of the land
And God’s deepest secrets understand
Instead our heaven is a sickly gray
Waters poisoned the soil spoiled
Who can really say
For what we have laboriously toiled
Chief Joseph your wisdom was profound
Truly Mother Earth none can own
If they had only known
A better world for all we would have found
All the money of every nation, of every style
Is a pile of paper sick and vile
Give me the cool summer breeze
And a life for God to please
I seek not kingdoms with golden thrones
My deepest desire is to find
A brave man gentle and kind
A man who walks no more
Who kept his spirit pure
Chief Joseph’s bones
With the Sioux
By John Kaniecki
What shall we do
With the Sioux
Educate them
In the people that lied
Christianize them
In the religion of genocide
Let’s hope they understand
So we can steal the rest of their land
Pale Face Lied
By John Kaniecki
I hear the buffalo
They come they run
I hear the rumble
I see the buffalo
They come they run
I see Babylon tumble
Crazy Horse he never died
Pale face lied pale face lied
In the spirit world we ride
Pale face lied pale face lied
Their own Lord they crucified
Pale face lied pale face lied
I see a flock of bird
Way up high, in the sky
A wonderful song I heard
Mother Earth cannot die
God speaks a silent word
None can defy
Tecumseh he’s on the way
Pale face lied pale face lied
He’s come here come here to stay
Pale face lied pale face lied
Today this is the red man’s day
Pale face lied pale face lied
I hear a baby cry
At a place called Wounded Knee
I saw an old woman die
In bitter agony
The truth none can deny
We know our history
You will kill our people no more
Pale face lied pale face lied
You will rape Mother Earth no more
Pale face lied pale face lied
You will leave, set sail from shore
Place face lied pale face lied
God is on our side that’s for sure
Pale face lied pale face lied