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Can You Surpass Yourself? | Poem

Dec. 3, 2004 / 20 Kislev, 5765

Can You Surpass Yourself?

By Rabbi David Aaron

Not only can you transcend nature, you must transcend nature

D.A. - "...that nature isn't necessarily consistent, nor is it reliable."
"Nature must answer to a higher power — its Creator..."

Never has nature been consistent, nor reliable, but more and more, predictable. G_d changed nothing here, but individuals have learned to predict destructive weather.

Humans have learned how to stay warm and how to stay cool. They have learned to plant food, gather and hunt.

D.A. - "The deification of nature is the justification of man's animalistic drives, the perfect excuse to do whatever comes "naturally" to us."

What you call "deification" pagans called honoring the sources of those things they used for survival - like giving honor to the buffalo before killing it.

D.A. - "The ultimate moral implications of idolatry were demonstrated to us by Nazi Germany."

Praise the information highway! We can find both sides of any issue:

Hitler, himself, is a Catholic.

BERLIN, Feb. 23, 1933 (AP)--A campaign against the "godless movement" and an appeal for Catholic support were launched Wednesday by Chancellor Adolf Hitler's forces.

D.A. - "Hitler was a pagan, who boldly stated: Yes, we are barbarians!... called "conscience" and "morality. 1"

Haenel's answer:

A report about Haenel's sensational findings appeared in the Fall 1983 issue of The Journal of Historical Review. More recently, West Germany's most influential weekly periodicals, Die Zeit, and Der Spiegel (7 September 1985), have run lengthy articles about historical hoax. Der Spiegel concluded that Rauschning's Conversations with Hitler "are a falsification, an historical distortion from the first to the last page ... Haenel not only proves the falsification, he also shows how the impressive surrogate was quickly compiled and which ingredients were mixed together."

Hitler was a very evil man. I know Pagans. Hitler was not a Pagan.

D.A. - "The Jewish message to the world is that you can surpass yourself. Human beings are not animals."

But humans are mammals and many of their basic needs for survival are the same: food, warmth, shelter, care and protection of their young.

D.A. - "They are not victims to their wild instincts."

The victims are the people who consider sexual instinct to be sinful and therby create sexual perversion. Those that "act" the most holy are the most perverse. i.e. Check out the crimes that are in the record books of the early Puritans.

D.A. - Nature doesn't rule, and therefore, not only can you transcend nature,

Nature does not need to be transcended, nor rule. It needs to be understood and respected. Humans have the capacity to kill other humans; equally, to love others. Transcendence only comes when we decide to be good neighbors.

D.A. - "...you must transcend nature. You have free will..."

Any time you have a "must" you negate free will.

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