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July 18,
by Pamela Patrick
Bolek playing his sax
slappin' out the rhythm
Rob skipping ivories
striking the chords
signal four
Brown's silk cymbals
ready set go
strike up the band
Sax player peels off his coat
golden sax rests on licorice pants
licorice shirt and shoes
socks and suspenders
licorice sweet sax man
leader of the gallery band
Byron on bass
playing it smooth
Birdland and Prince Albert
notes soar
finding thier way out of
the living golden sax
coaxed by knowing fingers
and life's breath from the belly
blowing out notes like bubbles
or lovers who know that
Spring can really hang you up the most
waiting for the rain
hoping for all
ready to fall
licorice sax man says it all
and it melts in my mouth
Rhythms cascade and collide
cool hot music
hot cool jazz man
playing on a moments notice
now blow your hearts out
blow your heads off
find fast transitions
find fast transmissions
the music rocks
and they're on a roll
with all that jazz
on a moments notice
only now is it played out
sing and shout
using fingers
using belly lungs
playing precedes practice
Go ask Byron
how do the fingers know their way
over the long black neck you play upon
frettless and wide as a three lane highway?
Sax playing tag with lead
Hammel to the max
jazz past to present
jazz with a rock 'n roll beat played for St.
Love for sale
rock back into jazz
wail baby wail
sail baby sail
rail baby rail
rockin' wail rockin' rail
music's memory now takes over
coming up from the bones
smoth as silk caressing senses
strong as tides
licorice sweet saxman take us on home.
Pamela's page
