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A message is there
On my computer screen
Something awful has happened
And I could see the machine going nuts
Afterwards the error message
The memory is dangerously low in resources
Abort or Retry?

I laugh
That makes two of us
I too have sunk dangerously low
In both kinds of resources
Spiritual and material

I don't know if I should abort
No, I don't think I should
I must give it a try
And then another
And again another ...
Until they shove the dirt
On my cold, rigid body.

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Once here was a thick green rainforest
Now it's a semi desert
A pristine lake was there, once
Deep inside the jungle
Blue like the reflection of sky
On an ocean, whose virginity
No man ever disputed

Mile after mile
Never could you find
Dwellings of human beings

Now there's a whole new generation
Who visit our semi desert
Mostly over weekends
Leaving behind beer cans, diapers,
And unfinished lunch packets

And a young, romantic couple
Who come here quite often
In search of a quiet place
And stroll around the banks
Of our little polluted lake
In search of happiness.

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The King has given me the nod
I fear no one in his kingdom anymore
The sovereign has given me his go-ahead
I fear no one
I take the hand of the Princess of Doom
Whose land our King has conquered
And jump onto the chariot
The diminutive pretty girl scuffling 
To free her soul
Like a sparrow caught in a fist
But my hand is iron

I retreat to my own private castle
Built and paid for by the King himself
I put her in the bed like a doll
She is like feather on my arms
And I step back

I don't have to wait
I have a license to kill, and to rape, and to do what I please
A license given by the King himself
Because His Highness is never amused
By a girl who is adamant and arrogant
A girl who could spit on his face
Thanks God she hadn't done it yet
Then he would not be left with a choice
But to order her beheaded sans any further delay
Instead of asking me, his servant, to help
But she could very well do it
He'd seen it in her eyes

Because he was fed up with girls
He had to be
He had two thousand five hundred of the best
Waiting in his harem

But I surprise myself
Seeing that I am waiting
Waiting for God knows what
Maybe I've fallen in love with her
Which is quite unlike me
Or maybe I'm waiting
For Pleiades to chart my fate
Or to flee this kingdom of hatred
Along with the Princess of Doom.


top  ~  Moongate