Castor and Pallux
Where does my other half reside;
and from where come these little
messages of hope and consolation?
I'm aware of dreams and intuition,
yet there appears to be a specific
place of unidentified habitation.
Flitting here, ghosting there,
come back, come forth,
I seek you in the night, and see
you forever at the peripheral.
Most of us spend this entire life
trying to find the succinct mate
of our own soul, but I sometimes
suspect you were always there,
at my side, a better part of my
own brain, a reflection of us . . .
flitting here, ghosting there,
coming back, coming forth,
we are in the night, and we
will mingle at the peripheral.
- Ward Kelley
photograph by René
Castor and Pollux, in classical mythology
were twins; Castor was mortal,
Pollux, immortal. When Castor was
killed in battle, Pollux mourned so
grievously that Zeus took pity on him and allowed
the brothers to take turns
at life and death.
to Ward
to Moongate