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dearpeple | Poem

22 September 2001
Dear People of the Earth,

and Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, and Congress

        I am an American..Two of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. My blood line has been here from the beginning of what we now call America. Another side of my blood line was here before that. I am disturbed by the statement from President Bush, on September 20, 2001, where he stated that a person is either "with us in the WAR  on terrorism, or they are with the terrorist". I consider this statement to be an unexceptable thought form, inclusive to mind control, and an un-American  statement.  America has been and I hope shall remain FREE to think , Hitler began by silencing the intellectuals. I support the elimination of terrorism from the planet but I do not support a military tactical deployment  on hopeless people.

        I have spent 27 years working with people, as a midwife, a mediator. and a trainer in conflict resolution. I have worked with all kinds of people, from lawyers, doctors, upstanding citizens to gang members, from Mennonites to pagan priest, from clergy to drug dealers. I have worked with all ethnic groups, all social economic groups, all religious groups.  I have been privileged to walk along many diverse paths with the people I have come in contact with. As diverse as those paths have been I still find that all people are the same, have the same needs, share the same fears, have the same hopes. Bleed the same blood.

        I have looked into the eyes of people who have lost hope. Where American poverty, despair and lack of any future has robbed  people of the spark that shines in the eyes of people who have hope. What I have seen in those hopeless eyes is that the spark that should be there is replaced with an insane fire. A fire that is flamed with a desire to survive and thrive , fueled by anger that basic needs seem to be withheld.  And fear The more hopeless the people the greater the insane fire. I have met children who have cried themselves to sleep at night because their bellies were empty and tomorrow brings the same thing just another day . I have met people who were persecuted because of their race, religion, or social status. I have seen this in America the land of the free.

       It does not take a mental giant to pick up the biggest stick. Quite the contrary. When I look at the pictures of Kabul, Afghanistan and the refugee camps along the Pakistan border, I see the World Trade Towers in every block. Mile after mile of destruction. The eyes of the people  have no hope , only the insane fire that exist in helpless people. Where there is no food, no water, no medical supplies. Where the children of another generation go hungry, die from sickness and learn to hate. I as an American believe that my government has had much to do with all this. I as an American feel guilt for allowing it to continue. I as an American I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for my country to show compassion and higher  consciousness. A chance to heal the terror we have inflicted on other parts of the world. A chance to heal our own country. A chance to change our foreign and economic policies A chance to no longer be the worlds biggest arms dealer. A chance for us to bring the whole world into healing and self respect.  I do not support terrorism, terrorism that is inflicted  on my country, or terrorism my country inflicts on other nations. War is just another form of terrorism. God bless America. God bless the world.

       There are many of you who feel this way. You must speak out against the madness..

Blood does not wash away blood but Kindness washes away pain.


- Meadow Clark


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