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ekta | Poem


Near the fruity tree lies his grave,
He who died for a loaf of bread.

Tine you walk round the watch,
Moon round the earth,
Earth around the sun;
We are all to follow; my son
You walk around me,
Round you shall walk your son.

Like drops in river,
So do desires in mind,
Rise and succeed,
On the command of time.

- Ms. Ekta K. Kalra

copyright 2000


to Moongate

TEARS by Ekta Kalra

   To the temple she goes, 
   With tears in eyes, 
   From the temple she comes, 
   With smiling pride.
    Tears are little drops of pain 
    In the ocean of everflowing joys.
    Tears wipe pain from my face, 
    Not strength from my heart.