Mike Glover Responds
to Robert F. Kennedy Jr,
This is Saturday, June third. Yesterday an article by
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was published in Rolling Stone magazine. This
article, which details allegations of vote tampering and other GOP
misconduct in the 2004 elections, particularly in Ohio, contains the
most comprehensive and irrefutable evidence to date that the 2004
presidential election was stolen. I’m checking my news sources this
morning expecting to see lead stories about the allegations in this
article. Not a peep. Yesterday the CNN television version ran a short
piece about it in the middle of the afternoon but there is nothing on
their website today. Likewise there is no mention on the web from FOX
or any of the major networks on TV or online. The non- mainstream news
sources both conservative and liberal that I check in on nearly
everyday seem to be avoiding this subject too. That figures. A major
bombshell packed with proof that the GOP has been caught actively
subverting American democracy and the story gets buried on a Friday
afternoon at the end of the weekly news cycle. This is not unusual and
only serves to debunk the myth of the “liberal” press.
This conservative coup that has taken over Washington
has certainly done an admirable job of propaganda control. Stalin would
be proud. They have somehow convinced a sizeable portion of American
citizens that their news can’t be trusted. Rush Limbaugh is a good
example. His latest rant is against what he terms the “drive by media,”
implying of course that any news source but himself is simply
irresponsible in its coverage. This is his way of saying that any news
story which seems to support anything other than his ultra-conservative
viewpoint is invalid. In keeping with the old adage that if you say
anything often enough and with enough conviction people will come to
believe it, Rush disguises this tripe as catchy, little, humorous sound
bites for his listeners so they never have to think too hard about what
he’s saying. It’s easier for them to believe it this way. Likewise, FOX
NEWS has captured a large segment of America
with their dumbed down, glossy versions of the headlines. FOX is all
about the packaging. Their style of news reporting actually insults the
intelligence of the average American, so it’s amazing that it hasn’t
backfired on them. I will give them credit for their huge marketing
gamble in launching this new style of “reporting” back in 1996. It
could have been a marketing disaster but look at the success it has
become. This success has nothing to do with FOX being more “fair and
balanced” than other news sources although they have worked very hard
to convince their viewers of this. It’s all about the packaging. The
next time you sit down to watch FOX News ask yourself if all the color
and graphics and, “swooshes,” and dramatic sound effects don’t remind
you just a little bit of a stroll through the mall. Also, the next time
you hear Bill O Reilly, Sean Hannity, John Gibson, or any of the other
pundits giving you their opinions, snap out of your daze for a moment
and ask yourself if just for a minute there you might have been
thinking they were reporting the “news” to you.
This complacency that Americans have been lulled into by
the right wing pundits is dangerous and is an insidious step towards
fascism. In a supposedly open and free society like America
simply shutting down any opposing viewpoints to the government would be
too transparent. They know this so they’ve developed a plan to go about
it slowly. First they convince you that all news other than the
government’s (meaning of course the GOP’s) official talking points is
simply invalid. Then they will tell you that invalid news reporting,
especially in times of war, is subversive and criminal. The next step
of course is a state crackdown on the free press and from there it’s so
long America.
Think it can’t happen here? I’d like to say “hide and watch” but it
would appear based upon the ratings of FOX NEWS that many Americans are
already doing that.
Back to the Rolling Stone article. I know that an article
written by a Kennedy of all people, published in Rolling Stone magazine
no less, smacks of radical liberalism just by the sound of it. I
challenge anybody with an open mind to give the article a chance
though. It is very informative and full of what appears to be rock
solid evidence that George W. Bush is not in fact the duly elected
President of the United States.
If what Kennedy says in this article is true, and at the very least it
all needs to be investigated (again!), then we are in a Constitutional
crisis of the highest order and something must be done to rectify the
situation. For the time being the article can be accessed online at:
but I’m not sure how long this link will remain active. If it becomes
inactive, a search for the June edition of RS should provide an
archive, or of course a person could read the article the old fashioned
way by picking up the magazine.