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George Orwell...the horror of fascism that we who are somewhat older feel | Poem

July 14, 2005 / 7 Taamuz, 5765

Then and now, evil always wants more

By Max Boot

"George Orwell...the horror of Fascism that we who are somewhat older feel."

The lesson was/is: Do not trust the words of politicians -  start with the  meaning: exalts nation above individual (patriot act), forcible suppression of opposition (Karl Rove vs Joe Wilson).

"D.S. Savage....Germans call it National Socialism. We call it democracy. The result is the same."

The results are the same when a democracy supports unbridled capitalism.

..."the attitude of many modern-day intellectuals toward the Islamo-fascist threat."

Modern day intellectuals have the same attitude towards Jewisho-faschist and Christo-faschist.

The BBC now refuses to refer to the London terrorists as terrorists. How gauche!

The social experience they do not lack is their own history of refusing to hear the complaints of Northern Ireland.

"...today's doppelgangers equate the abuses of renegade guards at Abu Ghraib with the mass murder carried out by Stalin or Pol Pot."

Those ghostly counterparts were using hyperbole to grab attention to the un-American activity at Abu Ghraib. We the people believe in a higher standard...believe in the Geneva Convention and human rights.

The problem was that Hitler's stated demands were a pretext for his maniacal ambitions.

The problem is with Bush's stated demands are a pretext for his maniacal ambitions.

"Orwell's words...the notion that you can somehow defeat violence by submitting to it is simply a flight from fact."

He words were against submitting...not negotiating.

"As I have said, it is only possible to people who have money and guns between themselves and reality."

Money and guns between themselves and reality is exactly the message of Animal Farm.
