When dull grey slime
Coats the creative Spirit,
People with heart get upset.
Then, it is so easy
For the slime-generators
To straighten their neckties,
Powder their noses, and
Point their poison fingers
At the disruptive crazy
Behavior of those whose
Creative souls the dull grey
Slime wants to own.
This does not work.
Creativity is not craziness,
But can be made crazy,
Can not be owned, but
Can be killed by those
Who scheme to own it.
Enough deodorant may cover
The stink
of dull grey slime,
But a necktie is no
Substitute for a soul.
How do the bad guys win?
It's so easy: Lie poison.
Backstab neatly. And keep
Cool and proper in public.
Those whose priorities are
Anything other than raw power
Will always do something you
Can use to embarrass them eventually.
And if they don't, you can
Always make something up.
That will really freak them out,
To point at with a smirk.
Too bad though. The dull
Grey slime generators always
Inherit a corpse, while
Creative seeds are left to
Sprout anew in the ditches.