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The Assessment /
Epigram / Lisbon Winter Night
links Jan Oskar Hansen "In The City"
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Jan Oskar Hansen is Norwegian and ex-merchant navy.
The Assessment
My copy pen fell to the floor I bent down to pick it up now I feel dizzy. I came to this country, decades ago to write, many pens have fallen on the floor- although I do not write with a pen but use a word processor. A pen is a crutch and to make droll shapes on sheets of paper; a thousands sheets filled with doodles while waiting to write something sensible on the processor; a mad publisher has shown interest in them. Twenty years feels a very long time, twenty more and I'll be ninety bet I will not be able to pick up a pen from the floor then. Now I wake up in the night and a steady hum tells me I have wasted my time scrawling, a book of scribble how is that for an epitaph? menu Epigram All dolls are equal, but some are better dressed than others; yet they all end up- utterly forlorn- in a cardboard box, on the attic. menu Lisbon Winter Night >From my hotel window I see, deep down in the city's canyon, a cobble stone river cars are moored to its banks; from under one a cat runs across to the bins, a squeal as it catches its wretched prey. >From he opposite edifice a few shards of light give succour to the dying and to those who cannot sleep that radiance too fades as night progresses towards dawn, what's left is the hum of enduring silence. |