. . . . .
15, 1999
by Ken Peters
years of ceaseless travel
from Hartford,
up the Conneticut Valley,
then west on
the Mohawk trail
to Rome and
back he fixed pots and pans
in every town,
slept in caves
and windbreaks,
slowly accruing
leather patches
til he was a small
mountain of
crazy stitches and multihued skin.
The children
sometimes threw stones
and the mothers
warned of his wrath
if their admonitions
were not heeded.
Fourty years
in the wilderness of New England
farms and villages,
scorned, feared
but useful
the butt of
jokes and small town news
he followed
his circut like a shuffling leather mammoth
the first year
he failed to make his rounds,
dead in some
lost cave,
did the children
miss their target?
Ken's page
