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Clay of the Earth | Poem


The weight of the earth
pressing against
the cargo the freight
the soles of my feet
my mass in a eucalyptus fog
my cells dividing
exploding into stars
thirty twos and sixty fours
overcoming resistance
pungency of warm kinetics
glands open and close
with motion
changing and leaking
chemicals to the brain
recover me from sickness
terror and misfortune
shelter me in skin and sticks
and heat and sweat
I feel the growth
the firming of flesh
and new voids filled
with fortified blood
and yolk thick strength
rendered physical physical
throes of acid in the muscle
primal and uncreated
but regenerated
regenerated and calm
calm and sure
in the moving stream
distant as my breathless prayers
windows moist with distant breath
consumed by movement
of oxygen
for the heart and mind
sweet hard thorax
opens and shines
running air to the spirit
so deep alacrity
stretches with my Father's
animals and chlordane
lifting and moving
until I am that free
flying with the dry skin of rose
and the bulk of sculpture
pressing into and moving
the clay of the earth
- Ron Diebold

to Ron
to Moongate