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Crown of Love | Poem


When you came into my kingdom,

I did not fear for our sacred probation;

You came as a fish or bird might,

With bright silver scales or,

Feathers of gold.

For the love of ourselves,

We found footing enough,

To become our own initiation,

Into the mysteries of peace,

The arcanas of our delight.

It was the spirit of Rah,

And a thousand constellationed stars,

It was the power of we,

In thought and feeling;

The glory of ourselves,

In bliss indwelling,

In love’s direction.

Our realm in kingdoms now,

We remained together,

To grow or die,

By new conjugal habit,

Or by celestial design.

In crucibles alchemical flames rose,

To mingle with the mists of heaven,

Our astral tragedies had confidence enough,

To float among the trees;

We raised ourselves on wings,

To sun and sky,

Our growing spirits,

Praise within ourselves,

To drive the sliding sunlight on,

To slave our passions for the right.

- Michael W. Eliseuson