Once upon a sullen fable, In that day far beyond The reach of sallow hoarding, In that time when the land grew Poets with a grand abandon fit For unfettered forests, sprawling them Across the pagescapes of ten thousand Headless mechanicians' tidy dreams, On that very day when fully espaliered Bondage was achieved, the roses turned Their backs on well-fed, well-groomed Lives of perfect symmetry and bolted For the thickets of disorder, Where they burrowed thornily Into the heart of some brawling Literature not yet imagined.
Only the brave can find them now, Sepulchered in metaphor and brazen Assonance, holding hostages whose Fear can be heard on any wind, As order's invented dust and ashes endure The torrential laughing languages of Passion, communion, and a solipsistic sun. Even so, the last madmen still dare the Briar and the bramble, thirsting For the secret perfumery of summers Lost and songs unsung: legend has it That one of them, blessed of tongue, Will someday coax the roses to return.
Poem by David W. Mitchell ~ Photograph by Edy Lou Benjamin