Greenhouse bedroom drenched
by moonlight
wakes me before dawn
to feel the delight.
The full moon is kissing my
caressing my plants and flowers
calling, "Beloved awaken...
you need not sleep more hours."
Moonlight illuminating the
of my footwarming cat.
What prettierwelcome than
could one wish as entry to
a new day?
And how better, "I love you",
to say?
Now, sister moon, relieved
by brother sun,
lingeringly retreats, her
work well done.
The sky takes on soft colors
of a new day gegun,
plae pink cushions the top
of mountains, purple and blue,
the green of trees shimmering
with dew.
The silence first broken by
the early morning train...
my dog groans and stretches
and so begins the refrain
ofcoyote, frog and birds...
no more beautiful symphony
ever is heard!
All is All and All is the
~ to Moongate