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May the people not be divided by religion but joined by their humanity. | Poem

May the people not be divided by religion but joined by their humanity.
May the people not be divided by nationality but brought together in sharing this planet.
May the people not make war but live in peace.
May the people get what they need and not take what they want.
May we have rivers of understanding and may all the waters be healed and cleansed.
May we have oceans of joy.
May we not judge each other but look to our own souls for our own redemption.
May we stop fouling creation for short-term advantage.
May we become caring stewards committed to continual renewal.
May we not force our views on others but listen, try to reason and try to understand.
May we understand and accept.
May we refuse to covet creature comforts beyond what others might have and what we need.
May we refuse to take orders from madmen and from people who hate.
May we decline to participate in activities that harm people or make the world less beautiful.
May we look to our children.
May we in our own thoughts and own actions make a world a child can live in without fear.
May we end our fear and reach out to our neighbors.
May we see that every human is our neighbor.
May we accept ourselves as we are rather than what others believe we must be.
May we celebrate our sexuality and sensuality and not make ourselves ashamed of our own bodies.
May we honor each individual we come in contact with as unique and valuable.
May we stop demanding more of the world and may we learn to do more with less.
May physicians be healers rather than entrepreneurs.
May bankers build communities rather than amass fortunes through usury.
May the inventors of cures be dedicated to the health of people rather than profits.
May songs be sung freely, dances be joyous and smiles spontaneous.
May the makers of arms find useful things to do.
May the merchants of death find no buyers.
May artificial boundaries disappear and real connectedness be perceived.
May the sky be filled only with clouds and birds and not planes filled with bombs or the bombastic
            rich on their way to meetings.
May the seas be filled only with the songs of whales and not the fatal whine of torpedoes.
May wealth be honored only when it is shared.
May we count our blessings and not our dollars.
May people be measured by their gifts and not their possessions.
May learning and wisdom be recognized as the only true wealth.
May the sunlight not be a carcinogen but a blessing.
May the rain not be a poison but a benediction.
May people be seen as beautiful because of their spirits and not because of their decorations.
May homes be seen as beautiful for their families and not for their porticos and pediments.
May cities be gathering of people who want to be together and not hovels for the oppressed.
May the countryside be full of fruit and not pesticides.
May the food we eat be pure and health-giving and not a means to profit.
May the people who work be rewarded and the parasites be chastised.
May the politicians serve the people and not the contributors to campaigns.
May we diverse without being sectarian.
May we celebrate local traditions without being parochial.
May we be appalled by homelessness and feed the poor.
May we put the health of the planet and the good of the commonwealth ahead of our personal
May we not see color or sex or religion or sexual orientation before we see people.
May we understand that by definition God is everywhere and everything and rejection of anything is
            rejection of some aspect of God.

- Ken Peters

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