If you wish to
Find the fulcrum
Of all your balances,
All counterpoising
Of body and soul,
You need only look
With exquisite care at
How your thumbs
Quietly, minutely conduct
The harmonies of
Every motion set
Adrift by the
Less-than-conscious brain.
Hardly anyone knows
Id-is persona well enough
To appreciate the false-fold
At finger base, where third
Joint and palm seam together
Halfway down bone to
Create an illusion of flexion.
One's lifeline actually
Rises just beneath
The knobs of knuckles.
That's thumbs' own secret
And lies at the heart
Of their eternal laughing
The perishability of clay
Isn't common knowledge
But to potters and others
Whose fields of play
Require permeability beyond
The common run of slippage.
It's only by grace of thumb,
That ruler of eye and muscle,
That we find the skill
Of molding, kneading,
Forming, stroking,
Smoothing, parching,
Wetting, juicing,
Wringing, wresting,
Flatting, rounding,
Turning, pinching.
So too the emphatic
Punctuator of grasp
Discovers those other
Skills of sculpting
That require yielding
Appression of bone to flesh
For expressing the undammed
Measure of energies
No other artist's tool
Can summon forth
From stores witheld
Until pointilles of
Prescient harmony oppose
The deft fingerings of
Bach to those of
Bacchus ad libatum.