1 February 2004
Apple's 1984 Superbowl avdersizement was wrong.
l984 was not like "1984" because George Orwell was off by 20 years
2004 became like "1984"
19 July 2002
"Ashcroft turns Peeping Toms
into American Heroes" - The Daley Show
17 December 2001
theocorporatism = Merger of state, corporate,
and religious governance - David
October 2001
An economy based on waste is inherently
and hopelessly violent, and war
is its inevitable by-product. We need
a peaceable economy. - Wendell
23 January 2001
A necktie is no substitute for a soul - Uncle River
10 November 2000
Would those willing to buy an election
be willing to steal an election? - Ken
9 November 2000
Winners never cheat, Cheaters never win - David Jackson
6 October 2000
kindness pays = unkindness costs
22 July 2000
Number of times the word "compassionate"
in a transcript of George W. Bush's speech
to Ohio Republicans in April of this year:
Number of times the word "abortion" appears: 0
submissions welcome