The Death of Racism

August 6, 1945, 8:14 a.m.
was that US time or Japanese time?
history always written by the winning side
and Prince Charles
kings created if not in name
for sure can be by the voting machine
it is August 7, 2005, 1:43 a.m. now
the 60th anniversary now sealed in time
my own holocaust came yesterday
when i choked on a racist bone in my body
a remnant of my parents generation
who used the word jew as in jew someone down
that bone was safely expunged thank you
but the smell lingers past midnight
i wonder at the smell left in Hiroshima of burning flesh
and in New York City 9/11
and in Auschwitz in the 1940’s
in 1612 the city of Oslo burned down
Karl Johans Gate to Karine A
” To say “tolerance” is to imply “tolerance for Jews.”
– Jonathan Kay
Or it could imply “tolerance from Jews”.
God’s Learning Channel guest
names Princh Charles the anti-Christ
and the year 2012 the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation
60 years ago yesterday was one day of tribulation
that felt like it lasted 7 years or longer radiation lingering
as is its nature
in the west they say suicide bombers that blow the innocents to bits is unacceptable
for any reason and in the same breath supports US that bombs innocents to bits acceptable
if you don’t see it it didn’t happen?
the speaker of this dichotomy allowed the Israel/Palestine war
was “right fighting right”
as both parties have a legitimate claim to the land they call holy and home
dead is dead and bits are bits so no one can throw the first stone
becoming conscious of all our racist bones
the only cure is to break them
bones broken, if healthy enough to knit,
will be stronger for it
strong enough to recognize and not permit
any form of racism.

Fuzzy Math and English (for this 60th nuclear bomb anniversary)

adding up Afghanistan and Iraq US troop deaths
in retribution of 9/11 just under 3,000
leaving 74 to add up to a match
not yet adding up to the millions killed in WW II
let’s remember Hiroshima the world, like Poe’s raven,
the Burning Bush is rattling again
can’t you hear him saying
“It depends on what never is.”
God will not bless America
until it learns peaceful conflict resolution.
Sixty years and counting
with no evidence of a learning curve.

Joe Wilson – the current messenger they crucify

He was a man who wore a noose for a necktie
in the face of a dictator…
Joe Wilson saying, “If he wants to execute me
for keeping Americans from being taken hostage,
I will bring my own fucking rope.”

A man of whom Bush I said he was,
“My eyes and ears on the ground.”
Meaning in Baghdad when Joe stayed behind
and obtained the safe travel out of country
for nearly 200 American citizens.

Read the book The Politics of Truth
and then explain to us continued support
for the Wig Group of Scooter Libby, Karl Rove,
Novak, Chenney
yellow cakes and aluminum tubes
and in a whispering, threatening voice,
“nuclear weapons”
THE 16 words the Burning Bush allowed
“Should never have been included”
in his address to we the people.

Evolution of Wills Full of Power

assassination of character over corporal
those the people still refusing the official JFK explanation
given enough lock kneed lemmings
angrier and angrier over exposure
when knees unlock cause kick in own ass
The only fear is fear of self
causing via applauding perpetual war
and Heir Burning Bush
shooting the CIA in the foot
forgetting to release the cock
expect crow for dinner
It is not so much the lies, though dangerous,
the danger comes when lies become truths
marching off to war.

What’s missing in this picture?

(• indicates headlines on today)

• ‘Raging Grannies’ want to enlist, go to Iraq
• Pentagon wants to raise age limit for recruits

• GTO, Mustang and Charger bring back the muscle
• Expert questions existence of rare woodpecker

• ‘Everybody Hates Chris’? Why?

Missing pieces:

Muscle car drivers want to eat Iraqi oil
and Chris will confuse them.

The Bush Is Burning George

Israeli fighting with extremist Jews over Gaza land
extremist Christians hold a candle vigil
for new supreme court nominee
Iraqis killing Iraqis at the behest of America
Extremists so extreme they believe their own lies
summer family reunions spoiled with politics
normalcy is cheating on tests from grade school
thru college thru government officials
to glutton upon the federal trough
oh Mr. Washington go to the Smiths.
“Nerve Will Focus” the Burning Bush demands
“cold blooded killers
with ideology the opposite of ours
they want to shake our conscious”
a description of both ideologies Mr. Burning
the makings of Perpetual War
your finest hour, the same temptation of Jesus.
If it is as you say BB
“To whom much is given much is required”
then what is required to whose who took so much
half the world starves on less than $1 a day?
“You got to understand…”
We understand you Mr. Bush, do you understand
support for your ideology is down to 30%.
Are there still rails in Washington, D.C.?

Newspeak Spoken and Not Spoken

the night
they bombed Iraq down
64,000 children were blown to bits
175 million Americans use cell phone
get Karl Rove off the front page
name a supreme court nominee
with no record with no answers
to questions asked by those
whose consent he needs
give him a rugged all American look
the anti-Christ to the Queen of Swing
take a good look at polished cock & bull
congenial, unruffled, conserved
spawn of Rehnquist, solicitor in general
should be illegal surely immoral
what pushed the Burning Bush
to announce before his appointed hour
it’s like there was a planned shoot out at high noon
and Bush shot five hours early
the voice of the majority will be heard
“Answer the questions John Roberts Junior!”

Occupied Checkpoint

the mind cries
second checkpoint the cries are delayed
third time never
mind now steeled against humiliation of occupation
turn around don’t drown
you could be another victim US of A
of course occupiers need face of victim
but victim as a life style is deadly
the ring of fire
who walled in Jerusalem 28 feet high
except from the East?
will the Whitehouse be walled in too?
we have a right to know what’s going on
who is expecting what from the East?
what happens when the sun no longer dries up the rain?

Lou Dobbs CNN calls Karl Rove vs Joe Wilson a “silly leak”

the silly leak it was not
it was about yellow cakes and lies
and discrediting Joe Wilson
yellow cakes being part of the Iraq war evidence
there’s nothing silly about that
how many lies to eat does it take
before one vomits?
what does a spinner do with a lie exposed?
cover it with another lie here it comes
“Mr. Novak told Karl Rove
Wilson’s wife was a CIA agent.”
are you ready?