Karl Rove and the God Cop

it is not human to discern the workings of gods

perhaps but who can help but wonder if

it is a Go Game They are playing

testing the nettle of Bush Can Do No Wrong’ers like

how many lies can they swallow before they vomit?

Black Kettles

Tom Friedman calls “terrorists” a death cult
so what is a death cult Tom
if not that which brings about the mostest deaths
and nothing brings about more deaths
than bombs from the sky
if “terrorists” are a death cult
George W. Bush out cults them.

Blame America First

is that to be pre-emptive
it truly is suggestive and defensive
America is a country
Americans are its people
it is semantics Bill O’Reillys’s
as is it always usury that breaks our hearts
lover or governor it is the secret truths
and the public lies that kill us slowly
sometimes fastly
preemptive newspeak strikes
split tongues needed to speak
out of two sides of the mouth
plausible deniability
Blame America First?
and who second California?
billy goat gruff sings
“hand me down my talking points
i’ll belt out of my echo chamber”
cough up those shirts and flag the train
down came the rain and down it came again
grace is amazing but never a given
hate becomes itself
ask Rush Limbaugh who hates addicts
ask phone sex users who pontificate chastity
asked the crucified by angry priests
who preferred money changers in the temple
hang down your head boss mon
hang down your head and cry
even salty tears eventually
turn to warm caressing
love only is immortal
those who love America the most
are critical when she is wrong
no lie to go un turned
speak up Karl Rove
we can’t hear you.

Denmark Bush

thankfully he chortles
“I’m not a lawyer”
his voice turned to spoiled whine
“I don’t like it when my friends get criticized
I don’t like it at all”
dignified senate vote up or down?
Live Aid was 20 years ago
Big 8 now
thats long enough
the opposite of love thy neighbor
is Usury
the message from Mohammed
how does one dig dignity our of corrupt politicians?
Mr. Smith goes to Washington that’s how!

playing our strings with a broken chord

values only line in sand
blurs between betrayals of
wanting proven righteous
an inverted pyramid of lies
taking two to cover one
Dan Rather sacrificed
to Golden Calf of Annihilation
breaking journalists’ pens
neocons plugging leaks
Supreme Court Beings
taking away property rights
and whistleblower protections
securing Secret Government

Robert Zoellick Darfur calling

one full year still you bicker
“is it a “crime against humanity” or genocide”?
talk talk holocaust
either compels action
stop the raping killing dying
how many full moons passing blood filled
killing fields are happening happening
washing hands in toilet bowls
let Africans solve Africa
knowing they have not
the wherewithal without help
a mobile quagmire Empire building
Robert Zoellick believes
white boots on the ground would smell like colonizing
while these self same boots in Iraq does not?
how many more blood full moons will pass before
those who claim to be compassionate become so?
how many eureka moments does it take
to transform US foreign policy??

Solstice Wheel of Fortune

Kenneth Timmerman releases book
“Countdown to Crisis :
The Coming Nuclear Showdown with Iran”
claiming Osama sighting in Iran make
to sound authentic put an I.V. in his hand

Fox News asks invited guest
where is Osama to illicit the answer
Osama is not in Afghanistan
he might be in Syria or

Whitelie whitewash whitehouse
“…know exactly where Osama bin Laden is
but can’t tell – can’t just go in and get him
due to countries sovereignty.”
Peter Goss marries Yellow Cake Bolton

Spinning wheels spinning newspeak
where will the stopped needle point?
Syria? Iran? Both?

Only clue available to this Moonbat:
is Iran holding an election – a run off
with clamoring claims of fraud.

Stay tuned to your Fair and Balanced
Corporate Fox News Media
for the next newspeak pronouncement.

or CNN Quick Vote, today’s poll question:
“If U.S. intelligence officials have an ‘excellent idea’
where Osama bin Laden is,
should they go get him?

Eisenhower on Social Security

“Should any political party attempt to abolish
social security, unemployment insurance, and
eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would
not hear of that party again in our political
history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course,
that believes you can do these things. Among them
are…Texas oil millionaires and an occasional
politician or business man from other areas. Their
number is negligible and they are stupid.”

— President Dwight D. Eisenhower, November 8, 1954

Father’s Day Questions

how many countries
need to be controlled to claim Empire?
how many “shut ups!” to recognize nazi?
what percent of the US population turned fear
into abject anger after nine one one?
generations of quiet desperation
turns into desperate housewives
Social Security marries Iraq
George Bush marries Osama bin Laden
if it takes 112 Iraqi and one US troop
to fill our SUV once
and a B 32 bomber uses 360 gals of gas per hour
how many women are abuse every hour
around the globe?
why do we not have a photograph
and profile of just who buys children
kidnapped for their pleasures?

Intelligent Design

believing they are made in the image of God
they will all come to believe they are Gods
each conceiving “they” are the only one
therefore infallible
respond with hellfire when disproved
first with newspeak which has no effect
thanks to George Orwell
screaming “shut up” O’Reilly’s stammer
“I only said it one time.”
Bushes everywhere and all afire
indeed let us teach our children Intelligent Design
how the human species became Great Gods of Vengeance
and Little Compassion, if any
intelligent design that led to the hairless monkey
every inch of the body subject to sensuality
restraining reactions with chastity belts for women
while bearing the heads of men for cleanliness
creating diseases of the body, mind, and spirit
the Devil surrenders to Michael
“I give up – the human species are more evil
than ever I could imagine.”