lets we the people know
America’s vulnerabilities
what the terrorists already know
“Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid”
the choice is coming:
live in a police state
or live in a state not unlike Israel
now celebrating it’s 58th year
living with terrorrist attacks
“Take US to our leader”
Bush the buffoon impeachment looms
Cheney the Damasks
First they said
“Don’t let them speak”
their Native American tongue”
then they said
“Don’t let Germans speak German in public”
now they say
“Don’t sing the national anthem in Spanish”
(Yeah too, once children were punished
for speaking Spanish in school
And too yeah the Japanese remember internment camps.)
Oh Capitan, my Capitan, our ship has lost a sail;
how will we get to hell and back when Bach is on our tail?
I see a third option the blind man said, “Stop eating gas!”
Where is the good in compassion when the people who spout it
cause the grief and anguish?