America Has Been Peter-Principled

“The people of New Orleans understand the fruit
of the trickle down theory – here it comes again,
they are getting TRICKLED ON!” – mR. sMITH in Washington

Hear the clanging voices
blame the lazy poor of New Orleans
Queen Barbara Bush spouts her version
of let them eat cake “Those poor people
in our Huston Astrodome
are better off now than they were
in their squalid homes”
20 thousand displaced human beings
in one gigantic arena
cots all lined up in a neat row
children lost to parents
wives lost to husbands
Bow to Barbara people of the realm
especialamente those who found their homes
in the bowels of oil barons oil supply
there is fire on the water of New Orleans
even as callers to C-SPAN
debate whether they want the news media
to show the dead bodies as they are pulled from their homes
the nursing homes, the abandoned hospitals
400,000 jobs lost but they are the poor
they don’t get the jobs to rebuild New Orleans
all Hail Haliburton, the Screw-up of Iraq.