Dennis Rader

Dennis Rader

deserves to be in general population – D.A.
Kansas State Penitentiary
protective custody, not completely safe
locked in cell by himself 23 hours a day
forty years
eligible for parole when he reaches 100
14,600 days
346,400 hours in an iron cage
forty years in the desert of his mind
here is where we will learn
the truth or falsity of his expressed remorse
What is missing here Keith Oberman
and Jack Levin of Northwest University?
How did a man turn into a serial killer
who was fond of animals, loved to garden,
in the Air Force, a wife and daughter,
write poetry, love music
and still not be separated from reality?

What if he was separated from reality
of being a sentient human being?
What if hearing the victims grief
WAS a learning curve for him.
If it is a learning curve maybe
he will be the next Bird Man.

When 89% of CNN “Quick Voters”
do not care if Radder gets abused by other inmates
fully aware rape in prison is rampant suggesting
89% of the voters are not Christian
which by definition
is doing what Jesus would do.

Christopher Hickens of Vanity Fair reasons:

We knew all along we had to get rid of Sadham
we had to pre empt to stop him from attacking Kuait and Iran
rational skewed

Sadham DID attach Kuait and Iran
did Christopher forget the 100’s of thousands of mass graves
we found upon invading Iraq
true we plundered Iraq and we have the duty to fix it
every bomb dropped has a debt

oil for food racket
oil for palaces
oil for pockets
little trickle down to the Iraqi

nukes or us
who has the power to assassinate a president of the US
who has the power to assassinate a president of the Israel
and change does not change their foreign policy
meth is killing children
radiation is killing children

the debt owed it the greed borrowed
love given is love received
peace offered is peace achieved

The Subject is Yellow Cakes not Valerie Plane

who made Valerie Plane the story
when forged documents for war was
the 500 yellow cakes that did not happen
creating a nuclear cloud over we the people
perpetual fear is what to fear
April 7th to July 15th papers missing
2 to 1 al Qaeda, cruel treatment = John Roberts
brought to you by war president
perpetual war
younger the judge the longer the staying
in long term planning to stack the courts
when computers run down so does controlling
young lovers off to work
maintainer and quality child carer
parent teachers/students
grandparents reclaiming childhood
praying always the needs to shield human hearts
will soften in equal measure.

Fred Mattlage, Fred Mattlage, Texas Hero of the hour

carry me out carry me home
pines are pining
Israeli soldiers hug their own
eviction is always ugly
paying taxes never enough
we fear you fear everybody fears fears
water water everywhere
half the world drinks sewage
food plastic food here garbage there
at the molecular level
all body cells are starving
demons enter angry souls
their only portal
feel it own it to disarm it
demons diminished become less leathal
as their portal grows smaller
Cindy Sheehan, Cindy Sheehan
the Hero of the month.

Ode to Ronny Cohen

I am the eyes washed clean
the broken candle stunted corn
coming back as their grandchildren
looking at life from both sides now
the washed and the unwashed
mud between the toes
the tie around the neck is still a noose
clowns vs tricksters
feel the day’s reflection in the clouds
computerized by candle light
was it irony or paradox
an Israeli fisherman in Gaza
willing to become a Palestinian citizen
he only wants to fish.

The Death of Racism

August 6, 1945, 8:14 a.m.
was that US time or Japanese time?
history always written by the winning side
and Prince Charles
kings created if not in name
for sure can be by the voting machine
it is August 7, 2005, 1:43 a.m. now
the 60th anniversary now sealed in time
my own holocaust came yesterday
when i choked on a racist bone in my body
a remnant of my parents generation
who used the word jew as in jew someone down
that bone was safely expunged thank you
but the smell lingers past midnight
i wonder at the smell left in Hiroshima of burning flesh
and in New York City 9/11
and in Auschwitz in the 1940’s
in 1612 the city of Oslo burned down
Karl Johans Gate to Karine A
” To say “tolerance” is to imply “tolerance for Jews.”
– Jonathan Kay
Or it could imply “tolerance from Jews”.
God’s Learning Channel guest
names Princh Charles the anti-Christ
and the year 2012 the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation
60 years ago yesterday was one day of tribulation
that felt like it lasted 7 years or longer radiation lingering
as is its nature
in the west they say suicide bombers that blow the innocents to bits is unacceptable
for any reason and in the same breath supports US that bombs innocents to bits acceptable
if you don’t see it it didn’t happen?
the speaker of this dichotomy allowed the Israel/Palestine war
was “right fighting right”
as both parties have a legitimate claim to the land they call holy and home
dead is dead and bits are bits so no one can throw the first stone
becoming conscious of all our racist bones
the only cure is to break them
bones broken, if healthy enough to knit,
will be stronger for it
strong enough to recognize and not permit
any form of racism.

Fuzzy Math and English (for this 60th nuclear bomb anniversary)

adding up Afghanistan and Iraq US troop deaths
in retribution of 9/11 just under 3,000
leaving 74 to add up to a match
not yet adding up to the millions killed in WW II
let’s remember Hiroshima the world, like Poe’s raven,
the Burning Bush is rattling again
can’t you hear him saying
“It depends on what never is.”
God will not bless America
until it learns peaceful conflict resolution.
Sixty years and counting
with no evidence of a learning curve.

Joe Wilson – the current messenger they crucify

He was a man who wore a noose for a necktie
in the face of a dictator…
Joe Wilson saying, “If he wants to execute me
for keeping Americans from being taken hostage,
I will bring my own fucking rope.”

A man of whom Bush I said he was,
“My eyes and ears on the ground.”
Meaning in Baghdad when Joe stayed behind
and obtained the safe travel out of country
for nearly 200 American citizens.

Read the book The Politics of Truth
and then explain to us continued support
for the Wig Group of Scooter Libby, Karl Rove,
Novak, Chenney
yellow cakes and aluminum tubes
and in a whispering, threatening voice,
“nuclear weapons”
THE 16 words the Burning Bush allowed
“Should never have been included”
in his address to we the people.