body piercing


first the Christians
then the sun dancers
now our children
of course body piercing is painful
as are tattoos
why do you ask?
they Know the math

America has 12 times the population of Iraq
(25 million vs. 300 million)
650,000 (and still counting) innocent Iraqis killed
equates to what it would feel like in America
innocent Americans were killed
“Tell me how does it feel”
and one million Iraqi refugees
equates to 12 million American refugees
but look: 12 million Mexican refugees
who can not scrape out a living in Mexico
due to something like WTO and NAFTA

they Know the truth
ask yourselves why
baggy cloths and body art
music and language a world apart
better yet ask why the straight world
feels repulsed by what they see
all they are saying…
is this generation in positions of power
has dirty-stenchy-deadly-math

Now THAT’S repulsive!