He gave to us no inaugural poem George W
nor a poet to bedeck the whitehouse steps
no Frost or Angelou or Eliseuson
He gave to us pretended patriots
dupe most of the people all of the time
founding fathers were mortal men and proved it
when they amended their own constitution
amendments allowing their enlightenment
was of their times and allowed
progressive enlightenment possible
foundations of Freedom
what presidential papers were sealed by George W. Bush?
Clinton gives himself a free pass declaring he had no papers
needing sealing.
Under the new order, papers from a former administration
can remain sealed even if the former president does not
think they are privileged, if the sitting president thinks
they are privileged. Alberto Gonzales said,
“It will not be driven by politics or what looks good.
It will be driven by what is allowed under the Constitution.”
“Which sounds fine in theory, but
once the order is in effect,
how would anyone know
what was driving a particular decision?
He asks us to trust him
to be responsible, honest and impartial.
“As long as Gods are males
males will be Gods.”
– C-SPAN caller 4 July 2004