it’s only to not about


the pain of a student
is the pain of the teacher
symbolized by robes, hats
with tassels
all together
they shift from right to left
of student and teacher.

is this true for the guru?
i do not know but i wonder
having only met a few
and never one who called
him/herself a guru.

there once was a piano man
who fell onto one knee laughing
Gethsemane postured
responding to his hosts

i am still in hell
with some saving grace
a little bit-o-gold
in years declining.

nor how much do i know
how far we have advanced
from predator and prey

slaughtered blood is our own
in human species feeling

so diverse non human species
each with the drive for survival
seys who humans are also diverse?

cause it’s easier to see some other as other
and non related?

pain, pain, pain, pain
or, say,
fear of pain
we’ve all been here before
with mirrors of reflection
let go of the guilt
and feel the shame
creating one less step
out of this hell
humanly created.

“Shake hands with all of your neighbors,
and kiss your sister Kate,
you’re as welcome back as the flowers of May,”
dear ya all, ya everyone.