white phosphorus

we use white phosphorus Bill
mixing it with explosives
calling it shake and bake
babies bodies burned to crisps
mothers and fathers too
white phosphorus Bill
it burns flesh to the bones
breath in the dust
you burn from the inside out
Amy showed us the pictures Bill
who will stop this madness
while our senators eat pork
we must not refuse to look
stop the madness
stop the madness
please help stop the madness

Pete Domenici – loves Cuba?

Correspondence_Reply@domenici.senate.gov wrote:

“…people, while calling for the reforms necessary to lead to a democratic society for their country.”

The cold war is over. We have a quagmire in Iraq trying to make it a democratic society.

“This policy seeks to make life better for the Cuban people…”

Cuba is a literate country. The dumbing down of America is a reality.
Cuba protected their citizens from Katrina – America did not.

When we learn to protect our people, and when we have no more poverty
we MIGHT have a voice in “how to make life better” for others.

“…by facilitating meaningful humanitarian aid by American religious…”

Good for humanitarian aid by American religious as long as they don’t ask for tax dollars – it is the duty of any religion to finance their own – to do their missionary work

American Torture

Who is Behind the Green Screen

Republican congressional leader
investigate the possible leak of
classified information about
secret U.S. prisons
for suspected terrorists overseas.

President Bush said flatly, “We do not torture.”

at the same time the White House tries to oppose
a Senate-approved measure
that explicitly bars “cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment”
of prisoners in U.S. custody.

Connect the dots.

42 deaths from bird flu

motherbird in rusty cage moaning
feathers torn and blown
they messed with mother nature
viruses unburdened with logic
know only survival of the strongest
dis ease always destroys the meekest
be warned fear mongers
as you’ve been warned before
“the meek shall inherit the Earth”
as much as war presidents et al destroy
they shall be destroyed
it’s called
“do unto others as you would have done unto you”
divorced from spirit
that believe good can come from evil
that war is peace
that a sperm and an egg
once united
has more rights than a living
breathing person
when you marry religion to state
you create an Unholy union
spawning demons
dressed up as persons.
How does a demon sound?
Like a howling banshee.
Facing truth feels like
a slap in the face
but it’s only a wake-up.

Paul says
as long as the river runs free
enjoy the ride.

Time for divorce of church/state

“Anti-war Sermon Imperils Tax Status
Church officials say IRS has warned them
over pre-election message.”
CNN reports

you go IRS
go after those Catholics too who
Evangelicals next
separate those churches from the state
do it while it’s still illegal with
tax exempt status

NeoCon Preamble

We the Foxes in the Hen House
in Order to form a more perfect Greed,
establish Power, insure our profits Security,
provide for our off shore tax base,
promote our corporate Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Devil Deals,
to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish
this Constitution for the United States of Corporation.

Seeking John Evans, poet

John Evans John Evans
where have you gone
since age twenty-nine
when you published your collection
“The Poet’s I”
the ultimate hedonism of self realization
contrasting St. Theresa’s among us
east/west touching in the cross hair
thirty-one years have gone by John Evans
John Evans, age sixty now
are you with us or have you departed
did you write anything after 1974?
Dedicating “The Poet’s I”:
“I dedicate this book
to the lovers of life,
the perusers of dreams,
and to the searchers
for the wisdom
of the soul.”
Still here or over there
I’m feeling that you know
searchers are still among us
brothers still crying
brother can you spare a dime
the religious among us are asking
where does one learn moral values
if not from organized religion?
Do I hear you crying now?
“If they truly loved their God
they would love
all of his creation and protect it
flowers and trees and human beings
all and everything under the sun.”