they parted the waters and grew The Big Easy
in hurricane alley the poor consigned to lowland
lands so low feet below sea level
how many years of warnings of the levies failing
how much money trickled down not enough
turn around don’t drown
happy birthday Trent Lott
coming October 9th
64 i make it
16 years in the House
in your 16th year in the Senate
Katrina and it’s aftermath is firmly in your hands
the whole world is now watching every dollar
snatched from the compassionate American heart
how soon can we hear
“I will not run again?”
What happens when minus C boy gets Peter Principled
and Peter Principles the head boy of FEMA
Who the billionaires who dangle the strings
of the millionaire polecat politicians.
The Buck is not a fast track to the top
it is a local, stops for every point of abused power,
only ending at the West Wing.
The Sun doesn’t smile on your Ol’ Miss home Mr. Lott
and from the Gulf of Mexico oil
those who gained the most the most is expected
smiles come after the rain
and dues are paid.