Ann Colter Slanders the Irish On Irish Bill O’Reilly’s Show


In Ann Colter’s tirade of slander of Rosie O’Donald
she included “Irish”. Being as empty headed as Ann is
she did it on Bill-Catholic-Irish-O’Reilly’s show.
Since Billy boy only thinly listens to his guests
I’m guessing he missed the “Irish” word.

And this is what the tirade was all about:
O’Reilly thought Ann Colter would be
a good replacement for O’Donald on “The View”
and Colter, offended, did her little body twitch
while denying any similarities.

When O’Reilly asked her if she would refuse,
if she were offered a job on the view, she replied,
“If they offered me enough money.”
When O’Reilly said they could replace
the little conservative blond on the view
Mrs. Colter replied, “I like her,
I think she is cute.”

Ann Colter’s recipe for women:
If you are cute enough and money-hungry enough
you can say anything you want
and you don’t have to say it comically as Imus did…
just spit out what ever venom shocks
and Rupert Murdock will buy it.