World War of the Known World: take #10,000

stop with the war drum beat background
for news reports et al analysis
give us some lowdown New Orleans blues
and visuals of the Real heroes
Israeli families sharing their homes
with the Northern Israelis displaced
Southern Lebanon families sharing their homes
with their displaced, wounded and hungry
more pictures of the heroic acts
of humanitarian aid workers
if Connecticut Republicans vote for Lamont
will that not prove one conspiracy theory:
right here in the US of A
politics consists of one huge body with two heads;
it matters not which “head” wins any election
the body is so huge and filthy rich
it’s body tied by the neck it depends
on exactly when
the US of A elected “head” learns
he is only a titular and…refusenicks…
the question never asked re JFK
was the WHY?

(It was the foreign policy stupid,
JFK planned to change it.)

Who Are the Hezabollah?

who else do we think?
Palestinian refugees
displaced in Lebanon
it is all about borders
water and justice
What has Israel given up
in giving up Gaza when all
of Gaza’s borders are still
controlled by Israel?
Anderson 360 reports
Israeli soldiers want to live
Hezabollahs want to die.
Wrong. Hezabollah fighters
do not want to die but death
is better than occupation.
Anderson observes
the greatest obstacle
to ending this bloody conflict
is neither party trusts the other.
Wrong. No problem here.
They both accept – No trust
it only means if either side
breaks the agreement
either may return to the carnage
we are watching today.

Call it a Lease on Life.

“Slaughter of immense proportions” – Chuck Hagel

do unto others
did we expect less
than they would do unto us?
are your “followers” now?
Washington Journal’s caller:
“Just Nuke Lebanon”
on this 61st anniversary day
of the first atomic slaughter
Never mind, Jesus,
the followers are all weeping
the pseudo-Christians are all
frenzied in their anger could
it be their exposed guilt
in deadly denial?
any G – – worth salt would demand
His “chosen people” the ’67 borders
and hold a lightning bolt over Lebanon
to be released with the next rocket fired.
o Israel your leaders have blood
on their hands…they too lie.

“Start the process to unwind this…
it will take a lot of different

Let’s Remember Hiroshima, it Was Worse than 9/11

“Radiation, heat, blast and their
synergetic effects created a hell on Earth,”
said Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba

“Cities and citizens of the world have a duty
to release the lost sheep from the spell and
liberate the world from nuclear weapons,”
Akiba said as the cries of cicadas filled the air.

Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, quotes

Reporting from the front lines:

Clapping Penguins applauding themselves

Prime Minister translated:

“we all agree…..
Defend Values of Humanity
Terrorism has no humanity”
(The Triangle with no oil)
“Iraq now has Free Media”
(made in the USA)

(Elsewhere, hospitalized due to his hunger strike,
former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein demanded
that doctors remove his feeding tube because it was
interfering with his ability to make anti-American outbursts.)

(Elsewhere, Ariel Sharon is taken to the intensive care ward.)

“We need each other;
we will defeat terrorism together and
Iraq will be the graveyard
for terrorism and terrorists.”

In Iraq
bury the hatchet
the BIG HATCHET then
there will be no more bodies.

“Condemn terrorist in all it’s forms.”

Caroline B. Glick Pumped on War

“On the other hand, events of the past two weeks
have also shown some of the West’s greatest
strengths in fighting the war so many of its powerful
citizens and statesmen refuse to acknowledge.”

On the other hand, events ofer the past 4,000 years
have proven we humans have NOT learned from our
history of war which is our entire history!

“For me war has become a flat, black depression
without highlights, a revulsion of the mind and an
exhaustion of the spirit.”

~Ernie Pyle

Why did Albert Einstein refuse to become president of Israel?

“I should much rather see reasonable agreement
with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace
than the creation of a Jewish State. Apart from practical
considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism
resists the idea of a Jewish State, with borders, an army,
and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest.
I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain”…

Want Terrorism? Got Terrorism!

We live in a world in which:
close to half of the world population,
or some three billion people,
live in poverty and extreme poverty;
one billion people live in slums;
another billion don’t have access to clean drinking water;
and 50,000 people, of which 30,000 are children, die every day,
of hunger, malnutrition and easily preventable diseases.

Israeli Kidnapped, but the Palestinians Captured?

“Conversion, consists of pounding
one’s own words into a man’s ears
until they start coming out of his mouth.”
– Robert Anton Wilson

If they are Israeli
they are kidnapped.
If they are Palestinian
they are captured.

If the Israeli (or Americans)
kill innocents they say “sorry”.
If Palestinians kill innocents
they are terrorists.

History proves Humans Have Not Learn From History

Jewish Wolrd Review:

“To my Arab brothers: The War with Israel Is Over
— and they won. Now let’s finally move forward….
In other words, brothers, you are down, out, and alone
in a burnt-out landscape that is shrinking by the day.”


“Hezbollah has captured two Israeli soldiers in attacks
from Lebanon on enemy border posts, prompting Israel
to launch ground and air assaults.”

And the beat goes on…
We didn’t start the fire…
Don’t let them talk your salt
all we have left is our salt…