Happy Birthday Kenny Penny

this full moon will be in Aries but not for long
only hours before Taurus takes a’hold
reflecting yet another china shop
but we’ve a ways to go from Pisces
before Scorpio’s opposition
my 48 year old missing son’s birthday
happy birthday Kenny Penny
your sister, niece and mother
are doin’ the pizza party remembrances
thanks for at least returning in our night dreams
your penchant for 100% jumping in to next
softens the sorrow of missing you
understanding and accepting
we each have our own miles to keep
between the dark side and the light
they cannot cannibalize the moon and stars
nor hid the 13th moon
good night my child and peace attend thee
home awaits

Mercy Moi Dr. Bryant King

Memorial Medical Center, New Orleans

“most people know something happened
that shouldn’t have happened”
He boarded a boat and left the hospital.
THAT is what shouldn’t have happened
that is what happens when individuals
enter the medical field for the money.
da doctor seys he took the moral high ground
abandoning nursing home patients
instead of partaking in mercy killing
the feeble facing death by suffocation
with no electricity to provide oxygen
while what he did was abandon the suffering
something care givers never do
he would absolve his guilt on CNN
by accusing the compassionate of murder

“greeted the day as another chance to get something done for the people”

billy goat clinton the baby boomer
gave us bush the baby bomber
repressed sexual religions give us
repressed hormones that give us
violent eruptions
the grateful dead gave us back
extended families
government won’t protect us from
the military/industrial complex
won’t litmus test our highest judges
Solomon won’t you please come home
the Christian Soldiers are marching
lock kneed into religious “guidelines”
fearing damnation and fearing “terrorism”
they surrender freedoms one by one
Curt Vonegart returns
to name the Earth’s deadliest virus
a parasite that kills it’s host
the human species
and advises join a gang
meaning tribe but that word’s become a fire ball
it’s not over till it’s over
Revelations, like Orwell’s 1984,
was a prediction not a conclusion
the former depicting how bad it can get
the later how it gets that-a-way
it is not over till it is over
ending is still the future which depends on
what we the people do now.

I Feel The Temperature Rising

the house is voting
nay nay nay
shame shame shame
banana republic
right here in the US of A
politician gold lined pockets
who’s for state and who’s for profit
and who the prophet xified this time
it takes the breath away
blatantly oily greed
better than a junk yard dog
never give an inch
no to promoting car pools
gotta keep ’em car lovers in love
promised ’em sleek and slinky
sexy ladies follow anywhere
a gas hog goes
any pretty lady for a million smackroos
Julie Roberts how you doused ’em
who wants to be a millionaire
who wants to be a statesman/woman
whoring march of Christian soldiers
billy goat phone sex 8 to the bar
lunch hour over
everyone back to work

Hope Dies Last*

IAEA our last hope
how many times US get away
with using IAEA information
pulling them out of country
before bombing it
how many times US get away
with rattling mushroom clouds
before the wolf is expelled
from the hen house
white shirts bloody red
diaper heads?
who wears a noose around their neck?

* Studs Terkel

Washington Journal C-SPAN

today’s commentator is too young
does not remember shades of 1984
perpetual war thru perpetual fear
thirteen times we the people have been blesses
with lower polls and new terrorist threats
one side of Bush’s mouth says we are safer now
out of the other side “there are terrorists among us”
the problem is is
is Bush’s brain awash or is it not?
did he eat a Hershey’s bar with a nano chip
25 hours of call-ins how’s about drop-ins?

how’s about emails pre identified
the same as you identify callers
the United States is not divided in half rep and dem
it is divided in thirds and equality
would give equal voice to independents
supplemented with emails if need

your caller of this moment supporting Bush is correct
it is not Bush’s fault or Trent Lott’s
it is still American foreign policy
Eisenhower and Orwell identified
none are so blind
as those who will not see.

David Rivkin on Torture

“I’m sure some abuse occurs.”
“Torture works.”

Coming from the save mind that believes
25 million dollars will net Osama bin Laden.

“Noncombatants have not the protections
of uniformed troops.”

poor countries need not apply

let’s remember all our wars
as we’ve never done before

secret from the soldier’s mothers
we gave them condemns but not enough
boys will be boys notching belts

torture works it breaks a man
who then embraces his child-self
in Gitmo they get fed thru stomach tubes

renditions to countries known to use torture

Where does your little boy-self David Rivkin

John Roberts don’t cha know it

white Catholic handkerchief boy
don’t wanna let his grandma
die with dignity
he wants to hold that death grip hand
more pain than pain medicines can dull
to hear her scream help me help me
what does Johnny feel
nothing he remembers
left it at the alter
of someone else dying for his sins
who will be next
his grandmother? me?
his’en self?
try floppies
they free the feet
which frees the head
of altar boys and priests for profit
oh Johnny won’t you please come home?

Onward Christian Soldiers Revisited

once upon a time
there were Christians who had reason to fear
government’s control of religion
today’s born agains seek to turn back time
born out of lack of parental love
if their own mother had had a choice
she might have aborted them
fearing death they fight Oregon
and their democratic majority’s decision
of the right to choose death with dignity
those self same Christians
want their religion to be the law of the land
even as they willingly send children
off to war to kill / to be killed
“Save the sperm and egg once united!”
“Save the terminally ill!”
the former gives us unwanted children
which creates abused children
which creates fodder for their wars
the later keeps dollars flowing
into medical megalomaniacs
unto the very last drop of life

Bush In A Magic Hat

pick a judge that angers the extreme right
therein confusing the left and middle
don’t pay attention to polls
you run one every other day
if the extremes are not in control
nor the left nor the middle
who the rabbit who the ears
who the magician who
Will God bless Corporate America?
Deal with the big problems we face
quote’th i Bush
and Bush has no doubt in his mind
that what the world sees as
failed Iraq policy is the wrong picture.
Denial is devastating
at best unhealthy.