Children of the Millennium Changeover, Number 26


every evolution changeover brings pain and sorrow
growing pangs so to say
time speeds up when a species feels threatened
by extinction, for the human species
they called it “future shock”
now is the future
and the past
turning to salt is only how dry one feels
looking back looking back at
past faulty rationalizations
seeing fully why we do not wish them
in our future
water is the staff of life and all of it is holy
these children of the millennium changeover
give elders comfort as they are able
and their children the freedom
to be children
with loving safety nets
the days of
“Do as you’re told not as I do”
are dead and gone
when coming into this garden
of the children of the millennium changeover
come as a feather or a bird might

JAWS: what will happen if we fail in Iraq?

it is not in God Stockholders trust
it is in US all mighty Might
to secure the oil that feeds their greed
not greed?
What percent of divorces are devoured
by money fights?
Where is the line between what we will or will not do
for money before we face The Money God?

sucker us all down the drain
70% of us want US to COMPLETELY leave Iraq
our politicians jawing
dis and dat
but not
giving up control over Iraqi oil
Did we get rid of the burkas in Afghanistan
no, what we did
was return the burkas to Iraq

the Lady Representative
asks for a bi-partisan bill
we all can vote for

who deserves to be the next President of US?
“We must have success in Iraq.”
what does That mean, Mister Representative

Rep. John Lewis – “We are only asking
to take the first step – Out!”

Iraq stability is critical to our economic security. – Paul Brinkley


Hello July!
oops there goes another 12 billion dollars down the drain
how many months plus years will it take before
our jolly politicians spend our grandchildren into slavery
Osama might say “It is the white race’s turn”
No, that would be Malcolm X?
Oh yeah…Malcolm was a martyr
O Marty er, how many martyrs does it take
to make the America our founders dreamed of?
John F. Kennedy would have changed foreign policy
while down in Jena Louisiana they are hanging nooses
on a tree on their high school campus
while conservative moral police politicians
are outed by D.C.’s Madame
are there enough roses
to still the guns of August?

Oily Dreams

Richie ain’t worried
about the price of gas for their limousines,
SUV’s, or otherwise gas guzzlers.
They might worry about their slaves
not being able to afford to get to work.
Politicians have a propensity
of proffering the false pretentiousness
that they know everything
…oh how solidly they believe
they were made in God’s image
ergo their actions are Godlike authority
to control all natural resources
Richie Richie go away
do not return another day
this Earth, per se,
et al that lives upon it, is suffocating.
…don’ worry, be happy,
like Pinocchio’s nose
driping with lies
the ultimate end of graspy greed is
(and all of human history proves it)
is to fall – to drown
in Oily Dreams.

Live Earth Corporate Death Dickens County Texas

)Live Earth Concert

Foxy News Laura Ingles goes thru concert garbage
to report non recycled items and claims
the concert’s making a notable carbon foot print
as if she cares
or as if any Fox News Rupert cares
to do anything besides dig and spatter
those who would save us from ourselves

)The Birth and Death of Corporate America

early 1800’s – Corporate law focused on protecting public interest
closely regulated by the states – investors given equal say in corporate governance
mid 1800’s – voided investors equal say (Rockefeller Standard Oil as “trust”
and Carnegie steel as “limited partnership”)
1980’s – public owned services and enterprises sold to corporations / deregulation reduced public-interest
conglomerates – shareholder control diminished and directors assumed more
2000’s accounting scandals brought down Enron and WorldCom
downsizing, contracting-out, off-shoring, reduced labor cost
Corporations assumed human rights.
now is a good time for these non-humans to experience death throes
which will occur when we the people follow Ralph Nader’s suggestion,
“Gotta hear the rumble of the people”

)Dickens County Texas’ Private Jail

where a prisoner would rather be dead
than live in slop and abuse…
now that Alaska made
every thing Not bigger in Texas
where a president can be assassinated
and send us a Bush
who can’t speak proper English
but would make it our national language
in a country where presidential hopefuls
are dialing for Corporate dollars*
we have prisons for profit
health for profit
and the most blasphemy ever
privation (ergo profit driven) of Water!

*quote from Ralph Nader

Still Crazy After All Those Years

lived nearly always
in a nation and house divided upon itself
remembering as recent as yesterday
the Great Bloody American Revolution
which was the gift of laws describing
exactly a Bloodless Revolution
all it ever took takes will take
are equals in ever way
to human rights deemed undeniable
after two hundred and thirty-two years of practice
we are STILL divided
no longer between exactly north and south
1) the leisure rich and the working poor
yes we remember corrupt union leaders
as well we see corrupt corporation leaders
as we hear those contenders to “the throne”
collecting contributions by the millions
insane is Patriotic American Apple Pie
crazy is how it feels
to live in a world where Money is God!
2) the televangelists grow round and rich
after two thousand and seven years
the money changers are still in the temple
that has been infected with perpetual war
between the sexes and between nations

Revolution: Past, Present, Future

British General Henry Clinton:
“it is necessary to gain the hearts and subdue the minds of America.”

how proudly do you stand now oh Yalies?
you graduated from your business school
lame brain Bush who obviously believed
he could win minds by subduing them
with talking points and spinning heads
who’s pointed head is spinning now?
who quacks like a duck in devil speak
hides, then hides, and hides again
Keith Olberman called it right on
on the eve of this 231st celebration
“Be honorable men, Mr. President
and Mr. Vice President, step down,
now.” (Nixon showed you how)
Hey Dick and George whadda ya say?
How many children will you kill today?

Deceitful Sunday


Ally McBeal Dick Chenny
Hollywood like ABC
Brothers and Sisters
covered in ashes make it real
a real real reality show
suggesting every red blooded American male
thus must sign up for the military
to go to Iraq
aka aka yak
the belazububs
owning media
still believe they can turn
we the people
back into follow the leader
ignore that man behind the curtain
spouting thunder bolts of fear
call it Deceitful Sunday
and check the polls on Monday.

Where’s the Justice Justice Kennedy


gaging our children and in the same breath
freeing Corporations to buy elections
eagles not so majestic, like pigeons
are scavengers too here
on Planet Fiddlesticks
from the Isle of Pathos
Web Bot Reading Every Word
a. E. Houseman
proclaims postdiction
“And echoes list to silence now
where gods told lies of old.”
64 yrs since Alfred’s pen dried
bit by bit the lies of the new monotheist god
wid a capital G now exposed
truly Alfie
it was not the gods or God that lied
too many prophets for profits
excuse me it is Kennedy the subject now
with much regret not JFK
Anthony means “worthy of praise”
Wa zit gonna take
to expose the lies
of today’s
Money Gods?

forward can i go


you’re So outmoded Summer
so well not enough enough
those telly lies
between reality shows
still belly me yellow
not my period eny mo’
best buy of the season
What Do US Lobbyists Do
for dictators of any nation
after they’ve bought
Congress and President
who will never curb election spending
wow and how
the cost of any election has inflated
simple math tells us’ens
the going cost of the highest paid prostitute of the soul
does not soar as high or fast as the Lobbyists’ clients profits
oops and yeah…don’t forget the new Supreme Court judges
it is now illegal
for a kid to make the sign: Bong Hits 4 Jesus
but it is not illegal
to buy elections
lady justice’s chin drops to her chest