Bush In A Magic Hat

pick a judge that angers the extreme right
therein confusing the left and middle
don’t pay attention to polls
you run one every other day
if the extremes are not in control
nor the left nor the middle
who the rabbit who the ears
who the magician who
Will God bless Corporate America?
Deal with the big problems we face
quote’th i Bush
and Bush has no doubt in his mind
that what the world sees as
failed Iraq policy is the wrong picture.
Denial is devastating
at best unhealthy.

Judith Miller

coming out now because
she got her bargain of limited testimony
she only has to out Scooter Libby
and not Dick Chenney

how many pieces of silver did you get
Judah Judith was it per diem?
it is your cat got the canary smile
that begs this question

October Surprises?

Who’s Fault is Pork?
it’s voters’ fault of course
what they really want is the bacon
that keeps obsolete military bases open
or whatsoever serves Apple Pie

Tom DeLay defends himself with:
partisanship, rogue D.A.,
charges baseless (repeated 3 times
in 5 minutes), premeditated, vengeful,
personal attacks, zealot, revenge, hollow pressure,
then declares:
I have done nothing wrong, nothing illegal and
nothing precedented
Minus doublespeak means:
“We’re all crooks why pick on me?”

Melissa of Pennsylvania pontificates:
It’s ok to support faith based programs
with tax dollars because re Katrina
“They have an agenda.”
Exactly Melissa of Pennsylvania
it is faith based agenda
that is illegal to fund with tax dollars.

No thank you Mr. Generous
I’m not looking for an ornately carved elephant
beautiful to behold agreed but the pork is choking
and wild is free.

Harrisonburg Pennsylvania

why so great the need
to prove your God
thru creationism?
is your belief so strong
to prove a God so weak
as to need scientific proof?
today seeking only four paragraphs
to explain to children
in new text books
tomorrow more book burning?
And when you have your way
day two will begin with Crusade II
How many Christian sects does it take
to prove literacy is understanding
by its nature what is read?
It is October One and autumn reaping
what have you sown
Harrison Pennsylvania?

Run Bush Run

Ukrainian exit polls good
American exit polls bad
our activist judges good
your active judges bad

satisfaction is a satisfied feeling
unlike the sated burping raptors seeking rapture
tired and weary maybe but not unhappy
Murdock Halliburton Bushy beady eyes
miss Cindy Sheehan carried to their carriage
get her out of sight she is a Picture of the mind
the mind unfettered by their echo chambers
multi-national corporations
global squaller
Civil War in Iraq Is
candle burning short it is
a long way from the sun will it come?
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
national debt the ultimate pyramid scheme
the Great Depression a prelude to
Global Great Depression
civilizations do not crash people do
buy a dictionary before they are burned
for starters look up
the word
and a history book describing
how empires fall
“extending too far beyond their own borders”
hunger is terror
homeless is terror
bombs falling from the sky is terror
terror terror on the wall
who’s the biggest terrorist of all?

that’s trillion with a “t”

quit arguing and fighting over everything
and see it our way
the global is not warming
democracy is on the rising
WMD’s were snickered out the back door
John Roberts is after all
a handsome dude
don’t peck his credentials
vote now and pay later
if she coulda mommie woulda aborted me
i don’t have homosexual tendencies
it would abominate me
water still rising
Bectal salivating
The Statue of Liberty
was first the Lady of Babylon
ask God’s Learning Channel
praying for nothing less
than clanging banging of civilizations divided
can’t drink the water can’t pay the bill
gonna rebuild Baghdad in New Orleans
got oxygen?

Rita Landing

red ‘tache man o mon
what source that laughing smile
standing in the eye of Rita
one foot in Tex one in Lu’se’anna
feeling never so natural alive
no fret no furry is
is what it is
the dance
so near so far surging
away o away
little pieces of roof flying
timbers shiver

hearts quiver
god blessing/god cursing
nature is as nature does
not to be fooled by
galladipuss galloping
heartbreak is never seeing
after once having seen

what is it like Americans
running one mile per hour
down the superhighway
to run out of gas in nowhere
whose heart is so shuttered
with Godly fear or Godly greed
cough up those shekels
and pay the Piper
ugly poverty
never more
never more.


dei n ten sify
nine iffy
Nazism by definition is
demonizing intelligence
pointed heads of KKK
you never close your eyes anymore
the America that has never been
still on the verge of becoming…

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shores.
Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.”