Father’s Day Questions

how many countries
need to be controlled to claim Empire?
how many “shut ups!” to recognize nazi?
what percent of the US population turned fear
into abject anger after nine one one?
generations of quiet desperation
turns into desperate housewives
Social Security marries Iraq
George Bush marries Osama bin Laden
if it takes 112 Iraqi and one US troop
to fill our SUV once
and a B 32 bomber uses 360 gals of gas per hour
how many women are abuse every hour
around the globe?
why do we not have a photograph
and profile of just who buys children
kidnapped for their pleasures?

Frank Gaffney

Center for Security Policy President

in the name of accuracy call it:
Center for Oil Security Policy

newspeaking on C-SPAN:

military: “following orders of their own volition”

Wrong. They joined the military of their own volition,
they follow orders because they have no other legal choice
and we all know it is also illegal for them to speak out
against the war and government policies.

“insurgents using faith for political purposes”
is as well said about George Bush as Osama bin Laden

enemy body count in Vietnam War was inflated
because the US War Lords thought Us populous
would believe that was a sign we were winning the war
now we do not do body count
because the War Lords learned high body count
decreases support for their war mongering
and dub innocent victims collateral damage
Gaffney’s aside is to allow there is a shortage of oil
which threatens Gaffney’s love for SUV’s eta al
how many dead Arabs does it take to fill a gas tank?

Intelligent Design

believing they are made in the image of God
they will all come to believe they are Gods
each conceiving “they” are the only one
therefore infallible
respond with hellfire when disproved
first with newspeak which has no effect
thanks to George Orwell
screaming “shut up” O’Reilly’s stammer
“I only said it one time.”
Bushes everywhere and all afire
indeed let us teach our children Intelligent Design
how the human species became Great Gods of Vengeance
and Little Compassion, if any
intelligent design that led to the hairless monkey
every inch of the body subject to sensuality
restraining reactions with chastity belts for women
while bearing the heads of men for cleanliness
creating diseases of the body, mind, and spirit
the Devil surrenders to Michael
“I give up – the human species are more evil
than ever I could imagine.”

Evil Empire List

“We are such
As dreams are made of, and our little Life
Is rounded with a sleep.” – Thomas Carlyle

happy birthday Mr. President
take it from the top Mary Carrey
how does North Korea get removed from your list?

it takes a right wing and a left wing
for any self respecting eagle to fly

the evil of nuclear power
is every bit as much, if not more evil,
than the abject poverty of the people

carrying the biggest stick ever imagined
has not been a viable option
more than half a century
nor the fear thereof

sing your cell song now Mr. President
it is re birth day time.

OJ vs Jacko

scene I
verdict is read not guilty
accused is jubilant

scene II
verdict is read not guilty
accused is somber

scene III
Wolf reports accuser was elated

Won’t you come clean Philip Cooney

won’t you come clean
once a lawyer never a scientist
once oil industry lobbyist on climate change
before the air gets thicker than smoke
before the earth gets hotter than hell
the skullduggery of the electorate
divided the US of A
in the final tally it was not about
gays and abortions vs. war
it was about pocketbooks vs.
they who have no pockets
whitehouse whitewash white lies
will not improve family home life
June is bustin’ out
truth is near dying dead
won’t you come clean Philip Cooney
won’t you come home?

John Bolton, John Bolton, Won’t you come over?

You can’t ignore the Senate
give us this information
or there will be no Bolton
the Senate fell four votes shy.
White House Communications Director:
“another effort to distract…clearly a stalling tactic
the American people…growing weary of,”
correction: only 30 something percent.
John Bolton tried to have fired two intelligence analysts
Did he go further than that?
What part did he play in the Iran/Contra
drugs for weapons scandal?

trapped in an occupied mind

tell me how does it feel
to cheerleader a fixed game?
all people not chosen by God are scalawags
or the Christian message
choose Jesus as your personal savior
or be damned to eternal fire and brimstone
occupation occurring mid brain
short circuiting the balance between
balancing checkbook and compassion
misfires create blowbacks
proverbial Catch 22’s
paradox creates conundrums
commandments denies free will
Holy Cow for God’s Sake
the trapped mind is fearful to behold
fascism is having all the answers
there is documentation (Bible/Torah)
that God’s his’en or her’en self
changed his’en/her’in’s mind
on more than one occasion and always
for compassionate reasons
human nature, un perverted is

how long must the children of Palestine and Israel suffer?

from Jewish World Review today:

Statistics FACTS; Jewish Poverty in Israel
* 22% of population lives below poverty level
* 720,000 children suffer from deprivation, malnutrition, and hunger.
* Shocking Fact: One in five Israeli kids goes to sleep without supper

goggled today:

JERUSALEM, March 5, 2003 …60 percent of the population of the West Bank and Gaza live
under a poverty line of US $2 per day. The numbers of the poor have tripled from 637,000 in
September 2000 to nearly 2 million today.

For G_d’s sake, stop the suffering of all His children!!!