Jed Babbin’s “In the Words of Our Enemies” and Michael Beschloss’ “Presidential Courage”

i hope you included the words of Osama bin Laden
when he told us 9/11 was about our military on Saudi soil
and our partisan supporting of Israel
we are like a bad marriage
the left and the right
sometimes never seeing before the divorce
there is always a grain of truth on both sides
or maybe you have said about JFK
that he inherited the Bay of Pigs from Ike
which caused the missile stand off
and that you mention Eisenhower’s
“military-industrial complex”
Osama chose to hit our military (pentagon)
and industrial (twin trade towers)
on 9/11 (our emergency code)
and yes, terrorists who would blow themselves up are scary
and no, there has not been another attack since 9/11
on the other side of this coin
are a lot of weeping children, parents, grand parents
and great grand parents…
in America, in Iraq, in Afghanistan
to mention only three…

(let Jed and Michael sort this out)