“Cometh Another Turning Point”

– George W. Burning Bush

mission accomplished
Iraq long war like WW II
for WMD’s
for democracy
washing machine in spin cycle
Billy Sunday Billy Graham
heil hail ave Mary
TV glued minds
the media is the message
any way we want it
but no art in the garden
they might remember their roots
steeples on churches is as pagan as it gets
burn the books and drape the statues
from Secretary of State background
body politic believes itself clothed
populace sees only fig leaves
covering only mouths, the offending body part
imagine that
building wall around self
building wall around country
media owned by power corporations
reporting the news as we like it
in any secret government
denial plausibility is possible
gone that dirty feeling we once felt
when causing other’s pain
gone the stench of money ill obtained
the divorced female lamented
“He wanted a whore in the bed room
and a lady in the parlor.”
the divorcee female lamented
“He wanted a virgin in the bed room
and got a whore in the parlor.”
the land of the free got
whores in their parlor wide screen TV
women and children raped in the streets
in their homes, shot in their schools,
priests raping children of their congregation
smash the TV take up typing piano walking running
read and the mind dances
garden and the soul sings
life is not a cabaret but it is all there is
come out come out little conservatives to life
of course we all wish a hereafter
it’s soo cold here among the living
hell lives in an atomic bomb or nowhere
save our own mind
do not go willing into mind control
with wool covered eyes and baa baas
percentage points dropping take me to you leader.
got speech?

Financial Rules From Fox Friends:

“Get married and stayed married to get wealthy.”

bomb me with guided missiles
need constitution by today or tomorrow
Monday the latest
“the politics of taking over a country should not surprise anyone” – Friends
narcotics of poppies negotiating point
Missouri really is like the dark side of the moon
ally with those who know the terrain
“Fox in the hen house” is a funny image for Fox to spin
Jon Stewart Jon Stewart move over
i’m a goin’ down if youse hafta
legal drug addicts want to imprison illegal drug addicts
while the legal drug addicts hafta git illegal drugs to git e’nough
and want their medical records protected because they prove doctor shopping
Limgaugh’s reluctance encourages other users
did he want Jesus to die for this sin
and the sin of calling the kettle black
the courts won’t kill BTK the Christian Friends want inmates to
it is not enough Dennis Rader is in a cage 23 hours a day
they do not want him drawing dirty pictures or writing why?
How many news hours will Fox News bring us today from Aruba
my 50th anniversary?

Dennis Rader

Dennis Rader

deserves to be in general population – D.A.
Kansas State Penitentiary
protective custody, not completely safe
locked in cell by himself 23 hours a day
forty years
eligible for parole when he reaches 100
14,600 days
346,400 hours in an iron cage
forty years in the desert of his mind
here is where we will learn
the truth or falsity of his expressed remorse
What is missing here Keith Oberman
and Jack Levin of Northwest University?
How did a man turn into a serial killer
who was fond of animals, loved to garden,
in the Air Force, a wife and daughter,
write poetry, love music
and still not be separated from reality?

What if he was separated from reality
of being a sentient human being?
What if hearing the victims grief
WAS a learning curve for him.
If it is a learning curve maybe
he will be the next Bird Man.

When 89% of CNN “Quick Voters”
do not care if Radder gets abused by other inmates
fully aware rape in prison is rampant suggesting
89% of the voters are not Christian
which by definition
is doing what Jesus would do.

Of Course We Need Another Sandra Day O’Connor

these are those exceptional times
the swing vote of the court
proved the balance of the Supremes
was not democratic or republican
especially by two important decisions
when the Supremes decided in favor
of most republicans
in the 2000 election
and when the Supremes decided in favor
of most democrats
in the Terri Schiavo case
60% is mandatory
if we would remain a country of law
we the people do not want governed
by nuclear options
Mr. Smith please stand up
as long as it takes.

son of a gun but no daughter

(“support our troops” made in China bumper sticker)

Natalee Holloway
Jennifer Wilbanks
gilded geldings going gong
murder with no body
yet thanks and praises but
go ahead and search but
nobody admit to anybody
wanting to escape
cash cows
allowing the variance between
bugged out eyes and not bugged
possible differences are
planned and unplanned
heartfelt hopes
can only wish the later.

fix intelligence

like a dress to short or too long
like a suit with a tie lacking soul
mark hem with yellow cakes
fill the legs with aluminum tubes
45 minutes to mushroom cloud
a Bolton revenge on Wilson
fixed for shock and awe

are they on their knees yet?

Frank Gaffney

Center for Security Policy President

in the name of accuracy call it:
Center for Oil Security Policy

newspeaking on C-SPAN:

military: “following orders of their own volition”

Wrong. They joined the military of their own volition,
they follow orders because they have no other legal choice
and we all know it is also illegal for them to speak out
against the war and government policies.

“insurgents using faith for political purposes”
is as well said about George Bush as Osama bin Laden

enemy body count in Vietnam War was inflated
because the US War Lords thought Us populous
would believe that was a sign we were winning the war
now we do not do body count
because the War Lords learned high body count
decreases support for their war mongering
and dub innocent victims collateral damage
Gaffney’s aside is to allow there is a shortage of oil
which threatens Gaffney’s love for SUV’s eta al
how many dead Arabs does it take to fill a gas tank?

John Bolton, John Bolton, Won’t you come over?

You can’t ignore the Senate
give us this information
or there will be no Bolton
the Senate fell four votes shy.
White House Communications Director:
“another effort to distract…clearly a stalling tactic
the American people…growing weary of,”
correction: only 30 something percent.
John Bolton tried to have fired two intelligence analysts
Did he go further than that?
What part did he play in the Iran/Contra
drugs for weapons scandal?