Key Israeli Parliamentarian: Egypt Enables Hamas to Train in Iran

If only Israel had not destroyed the SS Liberty
If only Israel had not acquired nuclear weapons
If only George Bush hadn’t lied to get US into war with Iraq
Or Sharon had not continued to build illegal settlements
Then the world and we the people
would not hear the cry of wolf
of course
both sides have committed wrong doings
have caused deaths of beloved ones
on BOTH sides
60 years of blood and tears where will it end
how how how
when when when
God knows both sides want peace
both sides are angry
WW I caused 10 million death
WW II caused 62 million death
do we really want WW III?
when Israel admits mistakes
when Palestine admits mistakes
yes…we’ve heard
Palestine wants to erase Israel off the map
and yes, THEY believe
Israel wants to destroy Palestine
how and when will it end?
“I’ll stop when you stop!”
that won’t get the trains running
on time or otherwise
In our mothers eyes are great lakes of tears.
In our fathers eyes are great slices of pain.
Lakes of tears, slices of pain
fill our “enemies” eyes
every much as in our own.
The centuries old dream of world peace
is not exclusive to any culture or history.
We have spent centuries rationalizing
our OWN righteousness
bringing us today with the capicity
to destroying this entire planet
and all that lives upon it
Want Peace?
Make Peace(.)

Mother Mary Come To Me

Joseph repairing the boat
Michael rowing to shore
there is no going home
with troops in landlocked
greeenzone, save, not safe
deathly quiet there
on the Middle East front
as Big Brother takes control
Dr. Catherine Wilkerson jailed
for protesting police brutality
committed on citizens
peacefully protesting in Michigan…
explained last July by a cop
in Central, Colorado,
“We can do anything we want
now that we have
homeland security!”
Jesus Joseph!
Set our mothers free!!!

“There can be no war to end wars, because all wars bring more wars.”***


Is there a Bhutto in the house?

Shangri-La renamed Camp David?

The rich eat gold leaves while their children eat lead toys?

What is the difference between a Christian wanting rapture
fully believing all others will suffer a hell on earth
and a Muslim who wants 70 virgins and all it takes
is blowing up as many infidels as possible?

Sex offenders placed in nursing home
and seniors were sexually assaulted
Tim, that’s a Paw’lenty gross!

***James Hilton, 1933 Lost Horizon

Religious Bigot? Bill O’Reilly Newt Gingrich?

who exactly is not tolerant of whom?

is there anyone out here in the real world
who want to pass a law prohibiting Christianity? NO

is there anyone out there in Christianity
who want to pass a low prohibiting abortion
because THEY are against it? YES

who wants an insane man executed
and angry because it has not yet happened
then boldly claims she has forgiven him?

who gave Ronald Kessler his talking point
“We’re being suicidal in not believing Bush
about nuclear weapons in Iran because he lied
to us about WMD’s in Iraq.” ?

C’mon Bill
IAEA lied?

“Piety takes all the air out of thought.”
– Norman Mailer

Marlo Lewis – dapper, manicured…

…senior fellow at the
Competitive Enterprise Institute
comes to town without a yellow ribbon
for our ol’ oak tree gasping
Marlo seys
“the costs of Kyotoism…
economic pain for no environmental gain”
so he publishes a book held timely
for the very day, his nemesis, Al Gore
is named the Nobel Peace Prize recipient
plus decrying
“Europe is not one mile closer than we are
to achieving a ‘beyond petroleum’ transport system.”
and the reason why dapper Marlo Lewis manicured is?
Kyotoism is 10 years old
37 years since the Clean Air Act,
now watered down to near as nil.
love and power love and power
go together like good and evil
you can’t have one with the other
when the stench of money
fills the heart/mind/spirit
poe’ah little empty shell
go see Sally down by the sea shore
wash dat brain worm right outta yer hair
for’ here comes da next wave crashing…
“tis su nami?”

Major Major of Mind Control

heard in hinkley’s head “shoot! shoot! shoot!”
did we think hypnosis was a parlor game or
ID chips in our children was for Their safety?
why were we fed
visions of planes hitting twin towers
but denied pictures from security cameras
of THE plane hitting the Pentagon?
why has our foreign policy never change
even since the Cold War ended?
Do we think Bush is the problem he is not
Do we think Hillary will solve the problem she will not
Do we believe a third party has no chance it does
hold yer nose
here comes Crepitus)

Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas

It was All about power, Joe Scarborough.

Abortion was only the tool
of both Democrats and Republicans
Democrats wanted to save women’s rights
Republicans wanted to get rid of them
None of the top dogs of either party gave a whit about the subject
they only wanted to give their “base” voters what they wanted.
Anita Hill played the sexual abuse card
Clarence Thomas played the lynch card

I suspect there was a grain of truth on both sides
which is the main problem between divorce and wars
both sides argue their “righteousness”
while children lose and people die

here’s the quirk:
we have two parties, one foreign policy
as long as we the people can be divided on domestic issues
those who control our deadly foreign policy do not care
about our in-country squabbles
the issue was really not about abortion
it was all about

Two Parties, One Foreign Policy

Every thing Republican Representative Dana Rohrabacker
said tonight on C-SPAN, concerning the Clinton administration‘s
foreign policy, was true.
What Dana Rohrabacker said about the reason terrorists hate US, was not true.
Thank you Dana Rohrabacker!
We, US, and the world, know
our current Republican administration lied
to take our country to war.
How much more proof do we the people need
to accept the fact
our foreign policy stays the same and that
our current two party system is failing us?

(Psst! do something)

Will Bill O’Reilly Have the Guts?

it never rains in Minneapolis in the summer time
and god didn’t make little green apples
they were only picked too soon

and Bill O’Reilly show us you really care
and make your bid on Kieth Olberman’s cast
(that you too signed)
let your feet walk the talk
support our troops
support the yellow ribbon campaign
does it matter where the message came from
when our government doesn’t do the right thing
we the people must.

Tammy Bruce, RadioTalk Show Host, on C-SPAN

we are like a married couple, the left and the right
seeing each others faults while denying our own
you admire Ronald Reagan because he showed us
“We can be all that we can be.”
and i groan at the pain the was caused the Sandinista
by the Iran/Contra Affair and the illegal funding
for which Ronald Reagan should have been impeached.
well here’s thee rub
our Ronald did some good
but he also did great harm
But was it him?
Not who shot John F. Kennedy, but WHY?
How do our politicians get elected,
both the left and the right?
By raising gigantic sums of money
which in turn buy the best speech writers
and broadcast the most ads
as long as foreign policy is left in the hands
that has held/will hold this purchased power.
After all, Tammy Bruce,
it was our American ancestors
who took this land by force
and in the face of our great wealth
it behooves US to feed all the starving of the world
You are correct, that thus far,
socialism hasn’t worked because
their revolutions have always been stolen
but you are wrong to say the cause was socialism
the reason socialism does not work
is the same reason that capitalism does not work
The safeguards our founding fathers put into our Constitution
are not working and will not work as long as
we are divided among ourselves
Calling the kettle black has never won a debate.

Show me a country that has military bases in 140 countries
and I’ll show you a wanna be Empire.

We are in this mess together.
Do you really want a divorce?